Test Server: Contact List feature (18 March, 14h CET - 19 March, 16h CET)

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Juturna, Mar 18, 2014.

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  1. Juturna

    Juturna User

    Greetings, Space Pilots!

    Today we would like to introduce to you the new Contact List window which allows you to see who of your friends and clan mates are online as well as manage this list of friends directly ingame.

    The Contact List window replaces the old “clan member list” in the client and informs you who of your friends and clan members is currently online, if they are on the same map as you and much more. (A comprehensive FAQ will be available when the feature goes live in the week after next.)

    You can access the Test Server starting today at 14h CET until tomorrow afternoon 16h CET (Central European Time).

    When you login you will receive a little bonus so you can start testing right away.

    Please be aware that although we have not found any critical issues, the feature is still in testing and that it may not work flawlessly.

    It would be great if you could provide some useful feedback – especially if you found any bugs - on the usability of the feature and if you were able to use it without a long explanation. There is a link to the feedback thread below:

    NEW: Contact List feedback
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 18, 2014
    jagadish00 likes this.
  2. Juturna

    Juturna User

    The test server will again be open, today from 1500 CET until 1800 CET (Central European Time).
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