Beginners Guide/Terminology

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 16, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Beginners Guide/Terminology

    In this guide I will explain some common terms used in Dark Orbit.

    Experience- It is gained by killing aliens and players of opposing companies, as well as doing quests. As you gain experience you will gain levels. Higher levels will allow you access to more areas and unlock more quests for you to do. (eps)

    Honor-It is gained by killing aliens and players of opposing companies. Honor can be lost by attacking players of the same company, and stealing cargo from another players kill. The more honor that you have the more credits you will get for selling your resources.

    Jackpot Dollars- Can be found only in bonus boxes. Each month there is a battle contest. The winner of the battle contest gets the amount of Jackpot Dollars they have.

    Credits-Can be gained from killing aliens and players of opposing companies, by completing quests, and it can be given to you from your clan. If you wish to get credits from your clan, send a message to the leader of the clan or the Advisory Council that includes the amount requested and a reason for needing it. Credits can be use to purchase midlevel equipment, or to bid on in the auction.(creds)

    Uridium-Can be gained from killing aliens and players of opposing companies, by completing quests, or it can be purchased for real money. Uridium can be used to purchase elite equipment and ships, or to repair a destroyed ship. It takes 500 Uridium to repair a ship, if you don’t have it, you will lose your ship and have to start over with a phoenix. It is a good idea to keep at least 1500 Uridium just in case you get destroyed a few times.(Uri)

    That’s about it for terminology
    Thank you Radovan8 for assistance on this Tread
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