Booster FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 16, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User


    The booster window shows you which Boosters you currently have active on your account, each booster has it's own icon. It will also tell you what percentage bonus that the booster is giving you, this can be changed dependent on the number of shared boosters which are affecting you. You can change the graphical representation into numbers by clicking on the display, similar to the Ship Window.


    What exactly are boosters?
    Boosters give you the extra support you need in order to play the game well and with no effort at all.
    Each booster increases (boosts) the value of your account or ship. - Boosters can be bought for Uridium or can be subscribed to for a fee. They can also be bid on through the trade section. - Each booster lasts for 10 hours of playing time. When you log out the timer stops

    What type of boosters are there?
    Experience point booster
    Gives you a 10% bonus for collecting experience points. The booster is active for 10 hours after buying it.

    Honor booster

    Gives you a 10% bonus for collecting honor points. The booster is active for 10 hours after buying it.
    Damage booster

    Gives a 10% bonus to all damage that you cause. The booster is active for 10 hours after buying it.
    Shield booster

    The shield booster increases your ships's maximum shield value by 25%. The booster is active for 10 hours after buying it.

    Repair booster

    The repair booster increases the speed at which a ship is repaired by 10%. The booster is active for 10 hours after buying it.
    Shield regeneration booster

    The shield regeneration booster increases the shield's regeneration speed by 25%. The booster is active for 10 hours after buying it.
    Resource booster

    The resource booster increases the number of resources from cargo boxes collected by 25%. The booster is active for 10 hours after buying it.

    Hit point booster

    The hit point booster increases the maximum life of your ship by 10%. The booster is active for 10 hours after buying it.

    Cool Down booster


    20% quicker cooldown times for all ship and design skills.
    Not for Tech Center Items
    Booster is active for 10 hours of game time after purchase.

    Shared Damage booster

    (Pro Boosters)
    Click here to see more one these booster.

    Where and how can I buy boosters?
    • - Boosters can be bought in the hangar using the booster menu.
    • - Boosters can also be purchased in an auction at the trading post.
    How many boosters can I buy?
    • - Every user can have all types of boosters active at the same time.
    • - As long as there is enough Uridium in your account, you can buy as much of one type of booster as you want.
    • - If a booster is bought which is already active, the time for the booster which was just bought will be added to that of the old booster which is already active.
    How can I see if a booster is active?
    • - If a booster is selected from the booster menu in the hangar, you'll be able to see if it is active and how much longer it will be active for in its description.
    How can I subscribe to a booster?
    • - If you have a subscription to a booster, a new booster will automatically be bought as soon as the time for the active booster runs out.
    • - The Uridium required to buy such a booster will automatically be withdrawn from your game account.
    • - If there is not enough Uridium in the account at the time of withdrawal, a booster won't be able to be purchased. The subscription will remain in effect as long as it is not canceled by the user. As soon as there is enough Uridium in the account, the subscribed boosters will be automatically bought.
    How do I end my subscription to a booster?
    • - If a booster is selected from the booster menu (the place where you buy boosters), you can use the Cancel subscription button in its description to cancel your subscription. - If a subscription is canceled, the booster which is active will remain active until its time runs out, and a new one won't be bought afterwards.

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    Last edited by moderator: Jul 12, 2017

    ASTRAEA User

    Shared Damage booster
    (Pro Boosters)

    Damage Pro Booster

    +10% damage; 1% of bonus damage can be shared with friendly ships nearby
    Booster is active 10 hours after purchase. It has a 50% maximum boost level.

    Shared Shield power booster

    Increases ships‘s maximum shield power by 25% and allows you to share 2% of this bonus with friendly ships nearby
    Booster is active 10 hours after purchase. It has a 100% maximum boost level.

    Shared Repair booster

    +10% repair speed; 1% of this bonus can be shared with friendly ships nearby
    Booster is active 10 hours after purchase. It has a 50% maximum boost level.

    Shared Shield recharger booster

    Increases the shield‘s regeneration speed by 25% and allows you to share 2% of this bonus with friendly ships nearby.

    Booster is active 10 hours after purchase. It has a 100% maximum boost level.​
    Shared Resource

    Increases the number of resources collected from cargo boxes by 25% and allows you to share 10% of this bonus with friendly ships nearby.​

    Booster is active 10 hours after purchase. It has a 100% maximum boost level.​
    Shared Hit Points booster


    Increases ship‘s maximum HP by 10% and allows you to share 1% of this bonus with friendly ships nearby

    Booster is active 10 hours after purchase. It has a 50% maximum boost level.​

    Shared Cool down booster


    30% quicker cooldown times for all ship and design skills.
    Not for Tech Center items.
    Booster is active for 10 hours of game time after purchase.

    This does not apply to P.E.T

    Last edited by moderator: Feb 16, 2020
  3. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Special Boosters

    These Boosters appear randomly or during an event and are located in the Shop.
    Ascension Booster Pack
    (Can be purchased multiple times!)
    Package: (S)mall
    50% Honor booster for 10 hours
    50% Experience booster 10 hours

    Can be purchased multiple times!

    Package: (M)edium
    50% Honor booster for 24 hours
    50% Experience booster for 24 hours
    Honor booster for 10 hours
    Shared Honor booster for 10 hours
    Experience booster for 10 hours
    Shared EP booster for 10 hours

    Package: (L)arge
    50% Honor booster for 24 hours
    50% Experience booster for 24 hours
    Honor booster for 10 hours
    Shared Honor booster for 10 hours
    Experience booster for 10 hours
    Shared EP booster for 10 hours
    1 Week Rebate Advantage Pack

    Super Booster Pack
    10% Damage Booster DMG-B02, +1% shared to outfit members
    25% Shield Booster SHD-B02, 2% shared to outfit members
    10% Hit Point Booster HP-B02, +1% shared to outfit members

    SpecialProbability Booster.gif
    Grab a chance to increase your probability of getting Hybrid Alloy and Indoctrine Oil. Boosting the chance of getting both by 20%. Lasts 1 hour of game time!

    Special Probability Booster
    (Multiple purchases available!)
    SpecialProbability Booster.gif
    Grab a fantastic chance to increase your chance of getting Hybrid Alloy and Indoctrine Oil as you battle against the enemies of the Plague Alert! Boosting the chance of getting both by 50%. Lasts 3 hours!

    Special benefit Booster
    (Multiple purchases available!)
    Special benefit Booster.gif
    What an opportunity. Double the rewards of Hybrid Alloy and Indoctrine Oil for a full 3 hours with the Special Benefit Booster. Time to get into the fight and double up your prizes.

    Special Combo Booster
    (Multiple purchases available!)
    Hybrid Alloy and Indoctrine Oil will flow into your hold with the Super Combo Booster. A full four hours of 50% boost and double the prizes for both these valuable ingredients.

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    Last edited by moderator: Feb 16, 2020
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