Boss Cube & Uber Cube

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by whoeva, Apr 2, 2014.

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  1. whoeva

    whoeva User

    I'm sure it's been suggested before but we really do need these npcs in the game. Please add your support to this thread so hopefully the devs will implement it for us.

    If we follow the usual stats for boss being x4 and uber being x8 that gives us the following stats for these npcs:

    Boss Cubikon
    Uridium 4096
    Prometium 4,800
    Endurium 4,800
    Terbium 4,800
    Prometid 2,048
    Duranium 2,048
    Promerium 256

    Boss Protegit
    Uridium 64
    Prometium 400
    Endurium 400
    Terbium 400
    Prometid 64
    Duranium 64
    Promerium 8

    Uber Cubikon
    Uridium 8192
    Prometium 9,600
    Endurium 9,600
    Terbium 9,600
    Prometid 4,096
    Duranium 4,096
    Promerium 512

    Uber Protegit
    Uridium 128
    Prometium 800
    Endurium 800
    Terbium 800
    Prometid 128
    Duranium 128
    Promerium 16

    I don't think the uberprots should be the same as in the cube graveyard where they use the same slowing effect as a Sabateur. Also I can't find damage stats for the other ubers so I estimated the uberprots damage. Perhaps it needs tweaking a little?

    The point is that it should be impossible to solo the Uber Cube and would require players to work together to take them down, the way original cubes were meant to be before all the insane updates.

    The idea was to give better rewards to bigger cubing outfits because very often players are waiting for cubes to respawn as a single player can clear a map of cubes in no time.

    This might free up a bit of the "traffic" in x-6 and allow more chance for others to cube there.

    Now I'm not sure whether they should be added into 4-5 with the other boss and ubers... If they were to be added perhaps there could be a zone in the centre of the map that is DMZ for the rest of the aliens in there?

    The other option might be to introduce a new map. Perhaps there could be a portal appear in x-6 after you or your outfit destroy 100 or 200 prots in that map. The portal is open for 5 minutes before it disappears and is only "jump-in-able" by those members in the outfit.

    I guess this map should be shared with the server allowing enemies to also enter the same map but each player or outfit that wants to enter would have to create their own portal in the same way.

    Some may be thinking what's the point? Easier and simpler just to solo cubes? That's true but when the cube map is busy the rewards per hour can be significantly lower and there would also be the increased drop of log discs and boosters from the boss and uber prots. Perhaps that drop rate could be increased for this map to make more of an incentive?

    Would like to hear your thoughts and suggestions about things that could be improved about this idea and if you would like to see it put into the game...
  2. yea someone has mentioned this before, +1 from me cos then the UFEs/big clans will have new harder cubes to go and solo and leave normal cubes for the rest of the company to do like it should be done, as a company, instead of bickerin n squabbling like 6 yr olds arguing over lego bricks lmao

    'its my cube' <----- does anyone else laugh when someone says this in game

    yes i know some very nooby people do ''leech'' on cubes (let someone do the work then shoot cube at last seconds n steal reward) and this can't really be helped other than popping them, but if ppl were more inclined to just let anyone/everyone smash cube there would be no need for noobs to 'leech'
    i find it amusing and kinda sad that none of the 'good' players realise this....
    ═╝ĀTØM╔═ and Blah like this.
  3. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    We'll need new maps. 4-6? x-9? if they were in 4-5, that wouldn't be good because 3 reasons.
    1. Uber npcs hit harrd, imagine having a few uber sibelons on your back whilst cubing... ouch 20k per hit from each at the lowest.
    2. pvp map, risk of almost finishing the cube and enemy players come and pop you. easy kills for noobs.
    3. 4-5's really crowded. enough npcs there already.
  4. they will never add anithing that give that much uridium. as we all can see what they have done so far to destroy uri farming... like kamikaze CD lately LoW map etc...
  5. its a great idea but they will not add it to the system because you will make to much uridium its a really great idea but if and i say iff they would add it to the system if you do them you would'nt make any profit
  6. I agree that this needs to be done, but this is something that gives "Us URI". You see the flaw here right ?? Bigpoint, the Devs, they really do not care about us users, well I should say "Free Players", so do you really think they will bring in this update when it means we can make more URI on their stupid overly expensive game that really all the care about is if you spend ? We don't boost their income so they have no time for us.

    It's as simple as that, either way +1 from me, I wouldnt mind sharing cubes with people being as its more uri split, these days 1k split between 2 is bad enough...

    But I think the idea of getting there is dumb, people that want to hunt will not want to have to kill prots to open a portal up just to go kill people doing these cubes.

    I wouldnt really want it in 4-5 even if it does have a demil, simplest thing would to be make new maps, but this is DO we are talking about, they'd break the game for a week and if you remember last time they eventually got round to introducing the pirate maps it took them forever to do so....maybe another 5 years they might be able to make 1 map.
    Blah and -uberpaul- like this.
  7. padiddle

    padiddle User

    It's got my vote. Although the reason for these is to free up the regular cubes. So I think you need to come up with another method of getting someone to the map. I don't know about you but killling prots is very boring and tedious unless you have kami. I do agree that there needs to be a requirement to get in though. This will solve the problem of newbs going in just to shoot the cubes for uri and players using that as a way of uriing up their newb accounts. This will encourage players to go there because there wouldn't be any ubernewb "leeches". Notice I didn't say newbs because I am sure a new type of newb will emerge lol. Maybe some sort of lock/damage requirement. Something as simple as like the beacons in outfit gate in 3-3. Shoot it, hit over a certain damage(you have to have lock to prevent multiple players from hitting simultaneously), and you're in(the portal appears). Why damage? Because anyone can get to level 16 but not everyone can hit 50k damage. I can only hit about 30k w/ rsbs with the way I have my configs setup and I am level 19. Just a couple other thoughts. I agree that uri rewards are going to be a problem. I think we may need to accept that the protogits themselves, while having more hp and shield power, will give the same or only a small increase on uri rewards as compared to regular cube protogits. I know what you're thinking. "No way"! You all acknowledge that dark orbit will never give us these kinda rewards. So lets suggest something they might actually consider. Please do if you have one. This will also keep players focused on why they came to the map in the first place. To kill cubes without taking up the cubes in 3-6 and not protogits. Another problem is gonna be the cargo. I couldn't pick up even close to half that cargo in one shot without a citadel and that still wouldn't get me half. So either they will have to be lowered or dark orbit will have to pull the cargo restrictions on this map. My last message is to whom it may concern at Dark Orbit. Please, I understand that you may need to water this down. I am asking you to do this to save x-6 maps. Don't water it down so much that the future cubes aren't worth going to. Thanks
    -uberpaul- likes this.
  8. I'm assuming the cube spawns around 20 protegits.
    Boss cube: 20 X 4k = 70-80k damage per second you're receiving.
    Uber cube: 20 X 9k = 170-180k damage per second.
    Not sure the prots are a very good idea with those cubes or perhaps a damage tweak would be needed. I would love to have something to kill however as cubing has become extremely annoying with all the leechers.
  9. padiddle

    padiddle User

    I see your point. I originally thought it would be enough to just add a boss cube to the game and not an uber cube at all but I didn't want to say anything till I saw the responses and your response may confirm what I already thought.
  10. whoeva

    whoeva User

    Thanks for your comments. Regarding the issue of them giving us something that gives uri... well, the hp/shields/rewards are all scaled the same proportion so although it should be impossible to solo the uber cube it would give the same rewards as soloing 8 normal cubes and require the same amount of damage to be done as the 8 cubes also so theoretically would take 8 times as long.

    It's not really extra rewards, it's just an alternative to relieve some of the pressure in x-6 and maybe bring a bit more fun to the game that a high-damage npc might offer.

    The damage may seem high from those prots but again, it's not meant to be possible to solo this thing so would need teamwork. It might also give another use for the citadel as they can tank the ridiculous damage. A couple of citadels with tactical use of draw fire could help to spread the damage out too.

    The original suggestion of shooting prots to open the port was perhaps aimed at promoting companies working together more as players wanting to open the port could be helping others that are cubing already by shooting their prots but this would probably cause more trouble than it's worth.

    I would like to hear any other ideas about how this map could be accessed. Perhaps it could be done via LoW gate so once that is completed you get 2 ports, 1 to take you to boss/uber cube map and the other back to x-1? That's probably a bit over the top as anyone wanting to join you once you were already in there would need to complete LoW first...

    Perhaps make it so you have to build the port like a galaxy gate with maybe 20 parts max? If it were done like this then I think there would have to be 3 different company maps, or 1 single map with 3 company bases there with dmz.
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I like the idea, definitely think we need something that requires coordination by strong players instead of everything done solo.

    I think that would be what DO would be most inclined to do. Create a Hades-style gate out of it and flush it out with a few waves of other stuff, probably give the cube a rename to Emperor and add 1 or 2 new mechanics.
  12. +1 from me but this will never happen cuz bigpoint is so greedy and they are removing every possible way to remove those things that give us much Uridium.Its just a matter of time before even cubes get screwed up.
  13. I hope that doesn't happen because as far as I know, most people dislike both the LoW and the Hades.
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I enjoy the Hades just because it's different, or I should say I just like the Emperor waves because they are different.
    I think people who are lacking of equipment would dislike it because it is pretty hard for non-UFE to do.
  15. I like the idea if it shuts all the cube hogging chumps up for once, oh my honors gone, oh this guy is shooting my cube, etc.

    Crying about leeching, someone players try to cube to move up in this game but that's pretty much stifled by hogs and bullies to the point that the smaller players quit the game.
  16. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Hoggers pop you off cube? No problem. They lose honour, less competition for getting next rank. :)
  17. You lose rank in the process of getting popped, also have a chance to lose drones lol.
  18. whoeva

    whoeva User

    Hopefully this idea would give more opportunity for stronger players to cube "leech-free" and hopefully return x-6 back to a map where companies are more able to share the cubes.

    A single player can take all the cubes in x-6 map using x3 and prom alone. The game really needs an update and I don't see any reason why these npcs should not exist in the game.

    Sure the damage or number of prots spawning may need tweaking as does the method of gaining access so if anyone has any suggestions on that I would be grateful to hear them :)
  19. I just think most people probably dislike the gate as well due to the amount of effort it takes to get a group that wants to do the gate in place, if anything, and it is possible, they should allow you to be able to 2 man the gate...

    Just mainly because I myself love the gate too, just never enough people to do it, and I don't like always doing it with noobs constantly.

    On the note of the thread to Whoeva...well point is that, yeah it may give what 8 solo cube rewards but it means even so we are earning easy uri even with an outfit going

    At the moment, on most servers, GB1 I don't see always as bad, but you get swamps of noobs jumping on cubes etc, the Devs clearly would be more happy an entire map getting like 50 to 100 uri per cube if theres that many on it then to free a another map with new npcs is the point.

    But to your other point, even if it does happen, as you said yeah things will need tweaking, mainly the AI of the prots, you can not have them hitting the person who hits the highest, you'll be dead too quick, being as someone said these prots will hit like 200k (uber wise) I think that was, the prots need to split evenly between all players shooting and not of damage given.