CB0 100 FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 17, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    CB0-100 AMMO


    (Combo Battery Ordnance) is ELITE LASER BATTERY AMMO that has a unique form of damage. It inflicts the same damage as MCB-50 along with half of anti-shield effect from the SAB-50 ammo.

    Using CBO-100 causes your ship to shoot large blue fireball-like laser battery ammunition. It can be used to a great advantage due to having great volume damage and the shield absorption.

    Where can I get this ammo?

    CB0-100 is available in the shop along with all of the other ammunition types. limited times only.

    How strong is the ammo?
    CB0-100 is a combination of two ammo types: It will cause x2.5 damage whilst also draining x0.5 damages from the shields of your opponents.

    When is the ammo available?

    The ammo is only available around soccer matches.

    Thank you to Pirate Hunter for their assistance with this thread.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
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