Crazy Cubikon Event

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by ASTRAEA, May 16, 2014.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Crazy Cubikons

    Crazy Cubikon's is an event in which Cubes continuously spawn hundreds of Protegits non-stop.

    This makes cubing extremely hard, but worth the uridium rewarded, If you can survive the continuous spawning of Protegits.

    To get the best results fromt his event, do low amounts of damage to the cubikon so that the protegits continue to spawn, then use your P.E.T. kamikazie gear to destroy the protegits.

    Crazy Cube 1.png

    Cubikon are the cubed mothership aliens of the Upper Maps.
    They have extremely high HP, deadly damage output, and great
    rewards to match its difficulty. These are a passive NPC, until attaked.
    Any player that deals damage to the Cubikon constantly receives a portion of the rewards when killed.

    Cubikon are located in:


    Hit points 1,600,000
    Shield 1,200,000
    Average Damage No attack
    Base Speed 30
    EP 512,000
    Honor 4,096
    Credits 1,638,400
    Uridium 1,024

    Crazy cube 2.png


    The Protegit is a fast-flying companion to the mothership, the Cubikon.

    The Protegit can be found in:

    The X-6 maps.
    The last wave of certain Galaxy Gates.
    The Level Invasion Gate.
    The ??? map. (Also know as the Cubikon Graveyard.)

    Hit points 50,000
    Shield 40,000
    Average Damage 1,125 - 1,500
    Base Speed ~ 420
    EP 6,400
    Honor 32
    Credits 12,800
    Uridium 16


    Questions and Answers

    Q: Can more than one person shoot the cubikon at the same time?
    A: Yes the cubikon is a shared reward NPC.

    Q: Is it best to kill the cubikon quickly during this event?
    A: No, to get more protegits you want to shoot the cubikon with low damage and let your P.E.T kill the protegits while you are damaging the cube.

    Q: How effective is a P.E.T. Kamakazi on the protegits?
    A: The Kamakazi is very effective as long as you are continually shooting
    on the cubikon, you will recieve the rewards for the protegit kills.

    Q: Why is it so laggy during the Crazy Cubikon Event?
    A: There are many players that experience lag due to the large amount
    of graphics during this event.

    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
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