Developer's Blog (July)

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Solid_Eye, Jul 21, 2014.

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  1. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Greetings, pilots!

    Our general focus this year is finding new exciting expansions of traditional DarkOrbit gameplay. After the Battle for Influence and World Football Festival we’ve seen how much passion you put into fighting under the banners of your faction, and we want to give you more opportunities for that in the near future. Today I’d like to talk a bit about the new summer event, which we are polishing for you, while you’re reading this. Yep, right now.

    The upcoming Summer Event, which we simply call Domination, engages you in exciting territory control mechanics. It would literally allow your faction to conquer the neutral sectors of the Galaxy and really show everyone, who is in charge! The Domination is relatively easy to achieve, but also very easy to lose. We hope that the event would not only be exciting, but also accessible, because a cunning diversion would end the Domination of any faction, no matter how powerful it is. And if you have some Clan Battle Station modules in your inventory, be sure, you’ll make a very good use of them during the Domination event.

    We wanted to create a new activity, which would literally unite the whole faction in pursuit of the common goal. This mechanic was never introduced to DarkOrbit before, so we are really excited and hope that you will share your thoughts with us, because we want to reintroduce the Domination as a permanent feature later this year, with a few interesting twists, of course.

    So, this summer you not only get the chance to conquer the DarkOrbit galaxy for the first time ever, but you also can take part in creating new gaming experience!


    P.S. Be vigilant and stay loyal to your faction!

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