Hacker Proof your Account against Attacks and BigPoint Lacks Tact and Charm.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ΜΞĠΛ♠ĦÙЯ╫ʐ, Jan 22, 2014.

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  1. I have been a Player since the First time I played this game back in 2008. I have started numerous Accounts due to wanting to see if there was a trick to getting to a higher level faster.. and Discovered, Reading the Forums was " The Fast Track " to Success in this game..

    Now, the Real issue is many of those on, NOT just This Game but out in the CyberSpace Realm.. Don't Read enough, take the time to understand how the whole PC language works and What is being done by Hackers and Thieves and other Unscrupulous Perps out to Cause Headaches to the Unsuspecting Novice.

    I have spent countless hours advising Quite a few of the Heavy hitters on the West Coast Server on how to "Hacker Proof" their Accounts.. I won't give away my methods on this Forum, however, I will give you some Truly effective Practice to Save your Email and your Game Accounts.. based on Experience.

    I had a High level account on the Popular Game, World of WarCraft, my Account was Hacked, during a short time away from the Game and taken from me.. Not due to any thing I did, upon Request, with just One Email message to Their Support.. The Level 87 Paladin was Returned to me.
    No one ever has hacked any of my Email accounts, or other Game accounts.. However WoW, Customer Service department Blows the Support of BigPoint into the Sun..

    Your Habit of Surfing the Web.. is the Problem. Many, for Speed and Comfort save their Email and Gaming account info .. In their Favorite Browser's Cache, or use a Keyboard to enter information ( Log On info ) Hackers have and Use just a few simple Trojans or memory Resident Programs to Infest a Computers Operation System.. And they use Social Networking Sites and or other Downloading methods to Get these (Harvesting Trojans) aka "KeyLoggers" to Record and Transmit your (Log on ) info to a site so it can be used by other Programs to Find your Email Account and Passwords.. I have been using PCs since 1986, and have Never used Anit-virus programs.. I dont Recommend this for Anyone.. but . Having said this, I have never been Hacked from a Email either Because I dont do what others do. I dont use a keyboard to enter my Email info into the Log on .. I use Copy n Paste, I dont use the Keyboard to enter my Log on info for my DarkOrbit account, I use Copy n Paste. I don't use a Keyboard to enter my Credit Card info with a Keyboard, I use Copy n Paste. I can save all my info on a Removable Drive and take it anywhere, I Delete all info from my email regarding my Passwords and empty the Trash can as well..

    Hackers can Harvest Info Stored on the Browser's Cache.. Don't Save your Game info on Browsers.. Don't use a Keyboard to access your Email or Game accounts.
    and Don't Give you Password to Others.. even your Family members, because the Day you don't give them the Last Chocolate chip cookie from the Pack.. you might find all your Lf-4s have been Sold or Worse.

    One Wonderful thing, that BigPoint has.. is this.. Being that anyone from any Country can Join ANY Server.. The Log on Programming Accepts Unicode (Strange Looking Characters ) Use this Feature to Construct Your Passwords.. Forcing yourself.. NOT to use The Key Board.. and make it a One of a Kind Password, not your name of Birth date.. Make it in Code and a Strong one.
    Your Credit Card info is another Target for Hackers to Gain Access to your Accounts.

    sample ===> ÜŋĐΞЯ☠╫λКΞЯ-n-Ή€ĿĿ or ===> ŞƮΛЯ★☠ĶίllΣЯź

    Remember "Knowing is Half the Battle" .. Now you Know.. Don"t Let yourself become an Unhappy DO Do-nut..

    When you Write Support .. Remember they are just People doing their Job.. they can only DO.. what they are allowed to DO.. by those ( Over )them. Being Polite always Helps to be Persuasive.

    I have been Interviewing many Players that complained about being Hacked and have Checked.. It Truly Happens to Honest People, Dishonest Criminals Don't Care about Our Dedication nor OUR FUN.. BigPoint Needs to Consider OUR feelings a bit more = More Uri investments..
    DrJuicer of the West Coast Server

    Post What ever Tricks you use to Hacker Proof your account. as that is what the Forums are for... sharing is caring..

    ( MrBlender ) ahh come on DrJ.. you gonna Start up with that Care Bear GobbleD-Goop stuff.. Im gonna DUMP all your Seprom, off your lasers and Rockets.. Stow it.. click..
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 22, 2014
  2. ramnik

    ramnik User

    loving this thread, great way to protect our accounts :)
  3. Some of Us are so Impatient..

    As a NewBee. to the game, I shut off the Chat Window for over 8 month of Play, back in the Day, when the OLD Client was used and I saw.. this little yellow line come on the side of the Mini Map.. I never knew what that was for.. I just kept right on Boxing in 1-1.. Minding my Own Business, learning to use my mouse to earn FREE Ammo and made Decent Uri too.. and.. Poof I died. I thought I had lost connection or DarkOrbit Crashed my System.

    then when it was possible to log back in.. my Log said.. " Your Ship was Destroyed by BabySealKiller".. I spend long hours boxing and Killing NPCs on the game.

    Back then, so much was Required to get good Performance out of the PC.. same as Now. it just too longer back then.

    So I thought I would Help the Reader of this Thread to Find a " ShortCut " to Building a " Hacker Proof " Password and Create a Cool Looking New Name..

    If you are one of the Fortunate Ones to use a PC Clone or Windows Based System, Do This :

    Hit Windows Start Button / All Programs / Accessories / System Tools and Look thru the List of Tools here.. Find Character MAP.. you might want to place your MOUSE cursor on it NOW and Click - hold down the Left mouse button, and Drag it to Your Desktop, release it.. Bamm.. now you Have the Uni-Code Building Program on your Desktop.
    Open it.. try a Double Click on it, Notice it has Symbols, go to the Bottom portion of this Tool, and see.. Advanced View click it.. so it Retains a Check mark.
    Below that is " Character Set " on its window is a tiny arrow, click it and click on "Unicode "
    Below is the Final setting. " Group by " same method click arrow and set to " ALL "
    Now to use this fun tool you can Double click any symbol you are wishing to capture, it will appear on the selection window and you can use the Buttons to Copy or put your mouse cursor in the field and use Copy n paste.

    I might be a good time to Use " Notepad " to work your Stuff and save to.. however on small change on its setting is needed as well.
    Open from the same part of the Windows Operating System you found Character Map, but found in " Accessories ", Open a Notepad, on the top Line you will see some Tools, hover mouse on File, opens a menu, go to " Save As " click.. this opens another Window, go to the center Bottom and find " Encoding " a small Arrow, click it and change it to " ANSI "
    **** CONGRATULATIONS *****

    now you are a Character making and saving machine. just label this Notepad as Password making or what ever. Remember to Save all work before you turn off your PC or close notepad or you will .. Cry. all work will be lost .. Forever.

    (copy) = Contl + C, (insert) Control + V (Cut) Contl + X and yes you can Cut and Paste as well..

    Now you can Gain Fame withing your Clan or Company as a Cool Name Creator / Artist.. also you can Google small Capitol Letters and copy these and make some Awesome names, as with Character Map you will find some Symbols that appear in chat, dont appear on the Flight window..
    Now.. Go and Create some Chaos in the MAPs. In the Realm of Dark Orbit my Young Apprentices,
    Ak ak AK-AK.. choff choff.. Hack.. wow. I think that was a Chihuahua Head..

    if you dont get that one. watch my movie .. Marz Attacks.

    more of you need to Read and Practice this..

    More of my Friends have been Hacked thru Links or Associations with the Social Networking Site FACEBOOK..

    all I can say is.. If someone asks you if you have a Facebook.. say No.. I dont use Facebook Ever..
    and Never link your Game(s) to it..

    Just the same as the Moderators of this game .. in DarkOrbit's" Terms" .. We can not try to Reverse Engineer the game.. but Hackers can do what ever they wish because they have no concern about Fairness or what is Right..

    Protect yourself..
    Please Post any of the methods you might employ to secure your Email accounts or Gaming ..

    Sad that this thread is Not of some Priority..
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 25, 2014
  4. Thanks for the info ive lost a few ships from hacks and even had one that was just cocky enuff to leave there name change for me to see who had taken it even tho i never got it back from support and not allowed to say who he was in chat , I stil keep playen the game but have boosted up my defense from them, I did tho get the ship i play now back
  5. and With All due Respect Sir -ugly-biker-.. I know you are a legit player.. and so are many many of the guys and Dolls .. I share what works.. with.. its just a matter of Practice .. Safe internet input.. cause Johnny 5 ain't " Alive" if any of us get hacked.. hopefully if

    If Enough of Us that Read and Feel the Pain we are Getting from a Lack of .. What.. Respect from the Game Masters.. perhaps if enough POSTINGS will be Forwarded by the Admins on this Subject..

    Give it a try..

    The Worst you could lose is.. your Account..

    or wait. some of us already have.. :mad:
  6. Nice post, but for for the record
    NOBODY has ever been truly hacked on Darkorbit.
    (only socially engineered)

    p.s Im not issuing an open challenge ;)
  7. had a Buddy on the West coast server.. AchillesRage.. not his name anymore.. but Many VRU knew of him..He met a Female on the game.. so we Think She was a she.. he wrote me many messages about " Her " attempt to Hack his Account...

    after a 6 month battle to Beat her attempts to steal his account ..

    He lost his account.. it got Taken by..
    someone and months later we saw it Botting in our maps.. some kind of Advanced Botter.. it would "Jump Bounce" to all maps.. even x-1 maps.. when fired upon it would jump out, never fired back.. but would cloak up and box and fire on npcs including BBKs.. it was mind boggling to watch.. I reported it to the Highest Admin I knew.. so they could run a Script analysis on it for the benefit of ALL that Play our Favorite Space game..

    The Ship was in our Clan... but after a Negative Reply from support ..
    I Booted the ship.
    We have a NO Cheaters policy in Ή€ĿĿ Clan.. If any mates are observed by any MMO or others we know in other Companys using Cheats.. we Won't Warn them.. we will Boot them and they become a KOS. Kill on Sight..

    i saw a Recent Thread about some Guy That Got his account HACKED..

    guess he hasnt seen this thread yet.
    Last edited by moderator: May 1, 2014