Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 28, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User


    There are two ways to fire your lasers at aliens or enemies.
    You can use both of these as you wish - it is up to you.

    Option #1


    You can see in this picture that there is a target around the alien.
    Once you have selected your target, press the <Ctrl> button on your keyboard to shoot the alien:


    Your ship will continuously fire at the alien once you begin attacking.

    Option #2

    You can begin attacking an alien or enemy by double-clicking the target.
    This option can be turned on or off from the in-game Settings, and is located in the "Gameplay" panel, as shown below:


    Firing Rockets

    Another way you can attack, is by pressing the <Spacebar> to fire your rockets and missiles (see the Keyboard image marked above).

    If you have the auto-rocket CPU equipped, it will automatically do this for you once you begin firing with your lasers.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 18, 2017
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