New Galaxy Gate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ¤º°º¤øP•Λ•ł•Иø¤º°º¤, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. Iota Galaxy Gate
    The Iota Galaxy Gate is based upon all normal and uber aliens. The Iota Galaxy Gate also features a unique ability much like the Hades Galaxy Gate where you may have people join the adventure through the gate, however; The Iota Galaxy Gate may have a maximum of 3 people and for every person entering the gate, the aliens stats, damage, and rewards have an added 50%.

    - 116 parts are needed to build this gate.

    Wave 1:
    • 75 Struner
    • 50 Boss Struner
    • 25 Uber Struner
    Wave 2:
    • 75 Lordakia
    • 50 Boss Lordakia
    • 25 Uber Lordakia
    Wave 3:
    • 75 Saimon
    • 50 Boss Saimon
    • 25 Uber saimon
    Wave 4:
    • 75 Mordons
    • 50 Boss Mordons
    • 25 Uber Mordons
    Wave 5:
    • 25 Devolarium
    • 15 Boss Devolarium
    • 7 Uber Devolarium
    Wave 6:
    • 20 Sibelon
    • 10 Boss Sibelon
    • 3 Uber Sibelon
    Wave 7:
    • 1 of everything Wave 6 and below
    Wave 8:
    • 30 Uber Sibelonit
    • 25 Uber Kristallin
    Wave 9:
    • 6 Kristallon & Lordakium
    • 2 Boss Kristallon & Lordakium
    • 1 Uber Kristallon & 2 Uber Lordakium

    Wave 10:
    • 1 Cubikon + ISH
    a) 5 Boss Struner 5 Uber Struner 5 StruneR

    b) 5 Lordakia 5 Boss Lordakia 5 Uber Lordakia

    c) 5 Saimon5 Boss Saimon 5 Uber Saimon

    d) 5 Sibelonit 5 Boss Sibelonit 5 Uber Sibelonit

    e) 5 Kristallin 5 Boss Kristallin 5 Uber Kristallin

    • 30,000 Uridium (+23,824 Uridium from alien kills) 59,756 Uridium per gate
    • 20,000 UCB-100 Ammo
    • 250,000 Honor
    • 10,000,000 EP
    • 20 Log-Discs (Worth 6,000 Uridium)
    • 20 Green Booty Keys (Worth 30,000)
    • A chance for everyone in the gate to gain an LF-4
    • "God Of Aliens" Title
    • *Halo for Kronos Crown*
    • *A green Drone Design: Open for ideas*

    * Work In Progress

    My purpose for creating this gate is because I would like to see those aliens not put in the other gates in this gate because it gets a bit boring playing gates with the same aliens every time (UBK, cube; Yes, I understand it's only two, however; these two would also set up a challenge for more advanced players), also to give other open ides of how to get an LF-4. It would also be pretty cool to see a cube releasing something other then Protegit. Also brings another way to team up in a gate since doing the gate alone is honestly boring in my opinion...

    I am open for any ideas, questions, support, etc... Just please give reasons...

    *Wave 9: Edited
    *Rewards: Edited
    *Wave 8: Edited
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I don't really like the idea of having the stats double/ triple depending on the number of players. You would pretty much have an Uber Uber Kris.

    Other than that, I like it!
  3. I have changed that, so the max would be x2 aliens for 3 people (remember, 2 aegis and a Goliath pretty much wins it). Don't really want it to be too easy..
  4. While it'd be a nice gate, I already think we have too many. How do you expect to fit it into the GG spinner? It's already packed with gates.

    Anyway, assuming DO were to add it in, here are a few things I think need changed:

    • The LF-4 reward. We already have three Galaxy Gates handing out LF-4s. Do we really need more? I think another Ship Design would be nice, maybe one that reduces the damage you take from other players and/or Aliens.
    • There's currently no method of displaying that you've completed this GG. Rings are out of the question, as there's already a Kronos Crown, so could we have a Title as a reward too?
    • Hades is unique for allowing groups to enter, and I strongly believe it should stay that way. It's become a sort of tradition, so to speak. Ruining wouldn't be... well... nice. Tone down the toughness a little, and make it a single-player gate?
    • Wave 8 is going to slaughter users with low-performance PCs. Perhaps change the Alien types to Boss, and quarter the numbers?
    I think that's about it for now. I'll edit if I think of anything else that could be changed/improved.
  5. I like it, another group gate would be nice, and not some ridiculous over powered group of npcs with stupid abilities lol this is a nice change of pace.
  6. 1.) A ship design?... I could think of one with the same idea as yours, it's gonna need time however...
    2.)It will be like the Kronos Galaxy Gate, no special ring (If you have an idea for a title I'm open)
    3.) The Hades gate is far tougher then this one, making a capability of 3 people to do this would be pretty much on the lines of being "fair" because you don't need to go searching for a minimum of 4 people and gives people an alternate choice from the Hades Gate because quite honestly hearing "Hades group stage 1 anyone?" over and over gets a bit annoying for both people and the player... While trying to find 3 would be quite easier and faster...
    4.) Edited*

    1.*) I am just trying to expand the ways of getting an LF-4.... Also, 7 Kappa/Hades gates and not a single LF-4 just got annoying... Along with over 750 Green Booty.. Nothing... But like I said, I will add a special design in meant for damage received...

    Edit: How about a drone design which enables 15% less damage taken from NPC's, and 10% for players?
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  7. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    1. Maybe a diamond on the crown for completing it? On one of the pointy part?
    2. I like the idea of it being a group gate, it makes it more fun when you have to plan your tactics rather than just dragging them across the screen for hours on end.
    3. How about a drone design that reduces incoming damage by 5%. This way, it counters the Havoc design.
  8. 1.) Maby, like a diamond in between the middle two points?
    2.) Exactly, doing 10 zetas a day gets boring as hell
    3.) Well we have the red and blue design, we need a green one. I'm thinking about making one where it has a 10% deduction in damage..?
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  9. Considering an idea has already been created with diamonds in it, come up with something else, or it's considered stealing.
  10. What might you suggest?
  11. I wouldn't consider it stealing. Plagiarism, at most. Considering that there are no copyright notices or patents on said idea, it's fair game.
  12. It's stealing an idea, which is against rules. taking someone elses idea and making it yours.
  13. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Naw, the game doesn't need another gate.
    We have enough as is.
    burkey likes this.
  14. I disagree, the game is flat out boring these days, it needs more gates...
  15. Well VESPID, we don't need any chips, designs, ships or what ever else you come out with. What we need is an idea on how to improve the likes of the game. Another GG especially this one has a purpose of doing so.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
    burkey likes this.
  16. Although this is a good idea and such, I don't think we need anymore gates, we've already got a lot of gates, as it is...anymore would be too much.
  17. He has actually come up with SOME decent ideas... out of like the 50 lol he has had maybe 3 or 4 good ones that would be beneficial to the players.
  18. Having this gate, in my opinion, would bring more of a somewhat fun way of completing gates as more then one person may enter. Multiple people in a gate is way more fun then the boring one person gates. It is also fewer parts then the kappa if trying to get an LF4 is what you were trying to do and a little more then the Epsilon, however you get the perk of getting people to join in. *I am also currently in the process of coming up with an idea for another drone design (green)*

    Haven't seen them... after reading 20 of them and their comments I pretty much gave up on his ideas...
  19. He has them in the old forum.
  20. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    GG dont bring more fun into this game, what does is large community content. So things like Pirates and Spaceball or the invasion gate.

    What about if a player could build a gate that appears on everyone's map and everyone can go into? Sorta like the invasion gate.