Reviving Battle Maps!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by .USS.Goliath., Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. Our beloved Battle Maps are in desperate need of an update!

    Now, we all know that the Battle Maps (4-1, 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4) are at the moment empty wasteland with so much potential. Something has to be done to revive them and to at least bring some activity back in there. We won't be able to make it how it was in the past simply because the game doesn't have enough players any more, but I have 2 ideas that will boost their activity:

    New Daily quests:
    All these quests are repeatable EACH DAY. So, they can be put in the daily quests tab at Nyx.

    • Destroy 5 enemy ships (in 4-1)
      • Rewards: 500 Uridium, 100,000 Credits, 100,000 EP, 100 honour
    • Destroy 5 enemy ships (in 4-2)
      • Rewards: 500 Uridium, 100,000 Credits, 100,000 EP, 100 honour
    • Destroy 5 enemy ships (in 4-3)
      • Rewards: 500 Uridium, 100,000 Credits, 100,000 EP, 100 honour
    • Destroy 5 enemy ships (in 4-4)
      • Rewards: 500 Uridium, 100,000 Credits, 100,000 EP, 100 honour
    • Destroy 10 enemy ships (in 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 or 4-4)
      • Rewards: 1,000 Uridium, 500,000 Credits, 200,000 EP, 200 honour
    • Destroy 50 enemy ships (in 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 or 4-4)
      • Rewards: 5,000 Uridium, 1,000,000 Credits, 1,000,000 EP, 1000 hon
    • Destroy 20 enemy Goliath (in 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 or 4-4)
      • Rewards: 5,000 Uridium, 1,000,000 Credits, 1,000,000 EP, 1000 hon
    • Destroy 20 enemy Vengeance (in 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 or 4-4)
      • Rewards: 5,000 Uridium, 1,000,000 Credits, 1,000,000 EP, 1000 hon
    • Destroy 20 enemy Aegis (in 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 or 4-4)
      • Rewards: 5,000 Uridium, 1,000,000 Credits, 1,000,000 EP, 1000 hon
    • Destroy 20 enemy Citadel (in 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 or 4-4)
      • Rewards: 5,000 Uridium, 1,000,000 Credits, 1,000,000 EP, 1000 hon
    • Destroy 20 enemy Spearhead (in 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 or 4-4)
      • Rewards: 5,000 Uridium, 1,000,000 Credits, 1,000,000 EP, 1000 hon

    Changing the Battlemap Kill Rewards:
    • This idea is a bit on a smaller scale than the one above, but nonetheless should be more of an incentive to hunt in the Battle Maps.
    • The rewards should be changed so they are at least DOUBLE what they are in the normal maps.
    Remember that this is only an idea and I need your help in adjusting the rewards/quests if needed to make them right for the game. But I honestly think that the concept of daily Battle Map quests will aid activity greatly there.
    You might ask, "Why do we need another update for the wallets/UFEs? We need to be giving incentives to new players instead."
    My answer to this question is that, by increasing activity in the battlemaps, we decrease the amount of hunters elsewhere. At the moment, enemy uppers and pirate maps are the only two main choices for hunting as going to the battlemaps is a waste of time and boosters.

    Therefore, with the above updates, the noobs will be popped less and the wallets will have more fun. EVERYONE wins!
    Please constructively tell me what you think. Please look carefully at the quests because I would like some ideas from you guys on that. It takes all of us to put these ideas together.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
    cupu.gan~thd1 and Oracle like this.

    VESPID User

    Perhaps offering free ship and drone repairs, a 1K uri payoff for each time a FE or less than FE pilot is popped in a smaller ship than a Goli and a 2K uri payoff if in credit ships.

    This may help to provide the target rich environment you seek.
  3. Alky-jr

    Alky-jr User

    i like the idea +1
  4. burkey

    burkey User

    Sorry to wee on your chips USS Goliath, but new quests do have kill people in the 4-x maps...? But liking your idea

    I've always thought the best would be to get rid of 4-1, 4-2 and 4-3 and make the centre portals in 4-4 a direct jump from the x-4 maps so there aint 4 battlemaps so the one will be a little more filled
  5. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Like the idea they are only filled when it's scoremaggedon or 4-4 while spaceball...

  6. Yes but those are one-offs. I am talking about daily quests which you can do each day which means a fix in the long run and not just in the short term before everyone completes them.

    I have added to my post above to make it more clear.
    burkey likes this.
  7. This is exploitable. You can simply pop a friend X number of times to complete the quest, or create another account. While it probably would liven up those maps, the rewards can still be farmed.

    How would you prevent this?
  8. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    If it was free reps for popping in a battle-map I think more people would go there.
    Think about it, you're fighting in a war zone for your company, surely your ship cost would be subsidized by the company?
  9. burkey

    burkey User

    Kill both of em on the map whilst they are doing it :D

    How about they make the repairing on the spot/portal free for non-premium members when on the 4-x maps?
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 29, 2014
  10. Oracle

    Oracle User

    A great idea.. +1 from me.This will finaly bring some action to the game.


  11. Oracle

    Oracle User

    No thanks noobs are noobs, no rewards for them after being shot :). i've been a nobb i have been shot a lot of times but I got stronger.And what if I make a new acc in a credit ship and come and pop it with my main 9 times a day?? 18k uri per day,126k per week,504k uri per month!And tell me now how could this been even implemented?How can the game find out if a ship is Fe.Dude think before you post.


  12. VESPID

    VESPID User

    By looking at the equipment and drones that ship holds.....
  13. Dude is just a dumb idea, forget about it.

    The fact you are going to receive 1k uri or 2k uri per kill is just something you should think before posting, why would bigpoint do such thing... a way better idea might be a reward for killing a certain amount of enemies in 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 , maybe a special design that boosts damage in pvp to 7-10% like the enforcer that does 5% but only during pvps, something worth spending time in 4-4 chasing people around the map.

    The daily quests aren't quite a bad idea,but increasing the reward from kills isn't new. theres already a 50% bonus on every kill.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 29, 2014
    burkey and cupu.gan~thd1 like this.
  14. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I was referring to deaths, not kills.
    Making the participant open to reward for entering in an obviously inferior ship to engage a mega frey like this one.

    Am I to assume that such a move won't work in amassing the target rich environment you guys claim to seek or are you guys trying to get the smaller ships to go there just out of the kindness of their hearts???
  15. its a good idea but there could be a small few problems :L
  16. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Do tell....any way you cut it this suggestion of mine is a win win for all parties involved.
  17. If a noob in a credit ship goes to the bmaps, then its their fault if they engage in a fight, no need for them to receive a single uri for popping someone in bmaps. Your reward for popping a big ship in a small ship is quite dumb since an ufe phoenix is able to pop fe golis without problems.
    cooljak96 likes this.
  18. Why not? BigPoint should give a bit more uridium here and there~
    *edit~ It's bad enough these new quests basically take away uridium from us...
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
    VESPID likes this.
  19. burkey

    burkey User

    No ship kills currently earn Uridium, thats what cash and NPC's are for...

    Maybe as suggested above, they make a special design which gives like another 5% damage bonus when in 4-x, but you can only get it by chance killing someone in 4-x to get people in there in the first place.... making 4-4 alot smaller would also help as people can do the 4-4 quests like 1 minutes flight time from a portal
  20. how about just no drone damage only in pvp maps?