[ML] Official: VIDEO THREAD Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    This thread is for posting any videos which relate to the game DarkOrbit. Videos of other content will be deleted without question.

    * All videos are subject to Moderator approval, and may be removed if unsuitable.

    * You can embed your video directly into the thread if preferred, although video links are permitted. For details about embedding a video, see the Forum Guide.
  2. �GUN

    �GUN User

  3. 3dWARd

    3dWARd User

    3dWARd vs 2 Generals, Kєℓℓєяĸιиđ[go_up] and RapidStar[go_up], from Global Europe 4

    Click HD and full-screen

  4. ANTI best of battles edition

    Greetz _-ANTICHRIST-_[GaVk]
    ŇłĶłŢĄ likes this.
  5. �GUN

    �GUN User

    for the fun of it XD a short comic movie of what happens plenty of times in DO

  6. -[könig]-

    -[könig]- User

    Hi, I play at Germany1, and I´d like you to criticise my video ...

  7. Me in a nostro hunting 2-6

    Watch in 720 HD

    No, that is not how my ship looks anymore..its UFE now. xD

    Me and a clan mate hunting 4-5

    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  8. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    It's been a hit on dutch forum so i hope to make some guys lucky here to, especially the newbie's. 'Cause veteran players will know this exist like since '10 but there was some update and they took it out of the game. But it's back already for few months.
    And also usefull for the veteran players that maybe didn't know this yet.. ;)

    Enjoy; Config trick. (don't mind thumbnail lol, that's something my little nephew wanted so i did it for him :p)

    Also here to post my recently uploaded 'comeback' hunt video. It's not like you guys are used to on the busy servers.. This is just scandinvia 2 lol..

    Hope y'all like it ^^
    Chief-Tony likes this.
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

  10. Vote,commented and subscribe

  11. have fun :D
  12. Guess to get started in this thread i'll post my best DO video so far.

  13. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Merry X-mas !
  14. Hi guys this is my last video i hope you like it and if you did subscribe ^^, I post video every week =)
  15. MeF_ioza

    MeF_ioza User

    you want good video check this 9vs 1 or something like this
    Bounty_Hunter_of_Eic and 2010!! like this.
  16. My last video destroying a CBS (USA West Coast)

    murfsmurf likes this.
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