Buff the Vengance

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ♥βεииy, Dec 28, 2013.

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  1. Now, this is for all the old time players who used to play when the Vengeance was equal to the Goliath in terms of Viabilty, however sadly recently(last 2 years) the vengeance has become terrible when compared to the Goliath. In a effort to fix this Darkorbit increased the Speed of the Vengeance however I still believe more needs to be done to bring back the Vengeance.

    To fix it we need to first look at the issues which make it weaker than a Goliath. To me there are a couple of main issues with the Vengeance: The first being Moth, I find moth completely destroys the Vengi because of its low hp, switching to Moth butchers the Vengi in seconds and the only counter -crab- destroys the speed bonus of the Vengi therefore rendering it useless. To fix this I suggest a minor tweak to the Hitpoints of the Vengeance and adding around 20-30k hp.

    The second big issue is DCR rockets these completely destroy the vengeance yet again. My solution? Add a new skill design for the Vengeance called Spectral which provides 10% shield whilst also giving you spectrum effect (20 min cool-down). This would be a great design for vengeance pilots who wish to be able to escape even the fiercest battles.

    The last and arguably biggest flaw of the Vengance is the lack of damage and 1v1 viability against a Goliath. In a vengeance you simply don't do enough damage to beat an opponent and with everyone stacking vast shields the hit and run strategy just doesn't work as you aren't able to inflict enough damage before you are forced to run. To counter this I would give the Vengi 2 extra lasers on ship, giving it a total of 12. This would make a big difference to Vengi pilots and would mean you would see the Vengeance back in the space-maps!

    Thanks for reading that scary wall of text and please leave feedback below! And sorry for no concept art of the New skill design(Art is not my strong point:() but if anyone feels inspired I would love it :)
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  2. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    Okay, I do agree that the vengeance needs a buff. And I think the idea of giving it more lasers is good. However, making the vengeance more powerful will make spearheads less, so they would need to be given a couple more lasers as well. And if you haven't noticed, no two designs have the same name, so it couldn't be Bastion. Maybe something like Glorified or Invulnerable. If this design renders useless all slow-down mechanics, then it shouldn't have any other bonus. Maybe an entire new design with a vengeance version of Spectrum, like Spectral.
  3. There's a Skill Design available for the Vengeance, and it's called "Lightning". Its ability is called "Lightning Afterburner", and it does exactly what you've proposed above - removes any slowing effects and makes you immune to them for five seconds. It costs 250,000 Uridium in the Shop, and there's a chance to receive one in a Booty Chest (like I did). You can also use EMP-01s, those remove the effects too, but as you can probably guess, it doesn't provide immunity.

    However, as I'm sure you'll notice, there isn't a Shield bonus with either of these options, but if you were to add another Shield Design, what would be the use for the Avenger Vengeance Design? :p

    Here's a video of the Lightning removing a slowing effect (made just for you :) )

    (watch in HD!)

    If you try to make the Vengeance more like a Goliath, everyone's going to switch to the Vengeance because it'll be far superior in terms of durability. You can just fly away whenever you want. The addition of the two extra Laser Slots sounds okay, but only on its own. If you want to add the extra Hit-Points, then don't add the two extra Laser Slots - It's a one or the other for me.
  4. I don't think the vengeance needs a buff honestly. I see tons of people hunting in them. For example, a certain mmo guy on my server always hunts in the lightning. He does 110k with x4 and uses moth on initial attack. That shreds even a citadel in a few seconds. If he gets some heat, he afterburners away. I don't think it needs more damage. Cause then the aegis'd need more too right? (10 lasers) Or the spearhead? (only 5 lasers).
  5. I just think it could use with something more, It really lacks compared to a Goli, you sacrifice too much to have a tiny bit of extra speed. It would be nice if they buffed the spearhead along with the vengi as they both suffer similiar problems and as for adding a shield skill design, I would like to see a new one and I was merely pitching ideas, I'm sure others have better ones ;)

    I really like the last idea of a Vengi version of Spectrum as we all know spectrum is the best skill design :p I will add it to my original post
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  6. pkomg

    pkomg User

    u want they make the 30000 uri ship strong equal 80000 uri ship? lol
  7. By your logic the Aegis should be 3x as strong as a goli and 8x more powerful than a Vengeance. Uridium and strength are not proportional and anyway I considered changing the cost but what is the point? I am sure 90% of the players have one already in one of their hangers. Also, this is not a significant buff, this is simply adding a couple of lasers and a tiny bit of extra Hitpoints, not exactly gamebreaking.
  8. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    Nobody (well, almost) buys either of those ships, they just bid. And it isn't equal, it still does less damage than a Goliath. This idea kind of turns the goliath into a damage tank, which is good, because they need more equals (or close) other than the Aegis.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    The Vengi doesn't need any buffs or new designs, its a star-fighter and made for speed, it doesn't need any of what the Goliath has because it's still a very powerful and deadly ship in the right hands, if you get insta popped just because someone slapped on moth then your just weak. If you can't 1 vs 1 or base someone's ability to 1 vs 1 solely on there ship type then that's your problem.
  10. No, I believe the Vengi is still ok on its own.
    Goliath max DMG is around 126k
    Vengi max DMG is around 106k
    As long as you know how to use EMPs and other tools, you'll be just fine against a goli
  11. The best people I have seen so far, always seem to fly either the spectrum or the lightning. The vengi with the lightning design is extremely dangerous. You can run around someone without them getting lock for a while, and you can also do a massive amount of damage. Five extra lasers at the max adds 3.2k extra damage to your x1. The vengi really isn't that much worse than the goliath. And it is good at running, so you have survival, and destruction.
  12. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    What table's did u use lol? My goli hits over 220k if i want.

    For me it's a no. You just gotta become stronger then, on my server there's a guy that can use veng very good, he did 3 vs 1 with 2 goli and 1 aegis and killed them all. You just gotta use it well, have good configs etc..
  13. Exactly. The vengeance certainly does not need a buff. It is a very good ship.
  14. Your goli hits over 220k, because of the x4 and USB combos. Max laser damage, of RSB alone is around 135k
  15. But still, 126k maximum damage is wrong, because that is 21k with x1 and a combination damage of 210k. I've been hit for more than that, so you can do a bit more damage than that....back to the vengi topic :D
  16. That's COMBO
    w/o combo, max damage is around 135k, you just combine x4 and rsb, not giving the game a chance to show the dmg value