Darkorbit on consoles

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SS_HELIOS, Dec 31, 2013.

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    SS_HELIOS User

    The idea I came up with is that darkorbit should workout a way to play the game on consoles such as the xbox one, playstation 4, and possibly the wii U. The consoles are beginning to have specs nearly equal to a pc. They would run the game very nicely. I used the browser that comes with the xbox to find the login page for darkorbit, but there was no way to login and it may not support it the same as a pc would. If this can already be done and someone knows how please let me know. Thanks.
  2. This would be a very good thing, although a lot of the features would be difficult to plugin.
    -Selecting Targets
    +Selecting Cloaked Targets
    -Hotkeys (may need to be removed)
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It would cost BP a lot of money to publish a working version on consoles and to be honest I don't think it would gain much popularity on there since DO is heavily dependent on computer components, such as a mouse.

    SS_HELIOS User

    Well Xbox one, the first example that came to mind, is going to support a keyboard and mouse so those problems could be solved. I do see it costing some but they already make so much and if they put out ads about it they would make so much because of how many next gen consoles have been sold. Next gen would have to be the only ones to run it because the old gen might not have the power behind them.
  5. Sorry, but you need a handheld keyboard, which I highly doubt will be invented soon. Also, if they did port it it will need to be a 3D evironment. Like BSG :)

    SS_HELIOS User

    What do you mean a handheld keyboard? The playstation 4 and xbox one support a keyboard and mouse for players who like the feel of a pc but would rather have a console. I read an article about both being available soon.
  7. Like, I mentioned before a " 'hand' held keyboard." Have you held your keyboard? OK, what about the mouse (you scroll around with,) huh? The console games have worked it so you can control the game with your thumbs and fingers. Perfect, but DO has too (I mentioned) too many buttons to press. Aw heck, you need a gaming mouse which is totally different from a console game pad. DO needs six buttons (max) to press to make it viable. You can still move around with your thumb which is the standard format for now, but I am not working out/with (to) DO - lol :)
  8. As my uncle is a game dev at EA i asked him about this. He said it is a possibility, but the problem with it is the money needed. To get exposure most games have to go through a publisher which in turn want money from the game.

    Also if you were doing updates i only know this for xbox not ps3 (My uncle works on EA xbox games) xbox patches cost alot of money to put out and im sure playstation is the same. Also the controls would be an issue. So yeah, porting the game over to consoles would be more trouble than its worth. - ΔИIMΔĽ™[ØØ7] GB1
  9. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Going off of what Animal said above me, not only would it cost ALOT of money to develop it, Big Point would also have to consider how many people would actually buy the game.

    SS_HELIOS User

    Im not saying put it on a disk or anything. Maybe use the browser to play it. It might already be possible with the keyboard and mouse. Yellowsubmarine I get what your saying now but with the setup a lot of games have it wouldn't have to be handheld. If you play on a desk like many do.
  11. Also, what would be the point in paying for a game on consoles that is free to play on other platforms. eg Angry Birds for xbox/ps3
  12. Angry DO (birds that throw crap ' blah blah blah' ) I NO want a ban :) 'n AT - is your answer! :mad: And, then the investors :mad: Where me money? Crap Upon crap - hahaha. Just take a % of BSG code and go with it. Any1 play "DOOM!" The BEST baddest POV game ever - original!

    This last quest is HARDer than before because of trollers. They get more rewards POP'n ya instead of doing the quests. Make'it the other way around. :mad:
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013

    SS_HELIOS User

    Maybe they could make a disk version but everything has a cheaper uri price and buying uri is not an option. It might not be a good idea right now do to the fact next gen just released, but it would be something for bigpoint to look at.
  14. Would this make Bigpoint even more desperate for money after making this for consoles? (they seemed pretty desperate with the in-game ads.) I don't think this is a good idea, and would you have to p-2-p on consoles?
  15. this is a good idea, but in the end big point would have to dish out a lot of money to make this happen. This game rely's heavily on a mouse to play, and without one you really can't play. consoles lack the ability to have a mouse, except for the Wii, it has a hand, but still, it would he hard to lock onto targets

    SS_HELIOS User

    A mouse is set to release I wonder if the browser on next gen has the capability because I know the console does.

    SS_HELIOS User

    They did make a handheld keyboard incase you have never played xbox. It attaches to the bottom of the controller it barely hindered grip and I garuntee next gen will support a better version and as I pointed out a normal mouse and keyboard will release as well.
  18. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I like the idea.