Lenov VS. Vengeance

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by KilerStreak, Dec 31, 2013.

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  1. So I'm planning on getting a third hangar for NPC hunting on lower maps.
    Which ship is better, Lenov or Vengi? Also support why you think its better.
  2. For lower maps, the leonov's advantages are great. As you already have a ship for uppers (presumably) You'd be using the ship for lowers only so you may as well benifit from the leo's home map perks.
  3. So the Leo's damage and shields are multiplied by 2, right?
  4. From the wiki :)
  5. only on lasers and shields equipped on the ship(drones do not apply)

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Leonov is better because of the double shields and laser damage, only on ship as others have said but it would still beats the Vengi for farming lowers.


    I think that it would ultimately depend on which ship you want to fly. A Vengence or Goli will still do more damage and fly faster than a Leo but there is also an advantage no one has mentioned yet. Leveling up drone after you repair them. I have a Leo in my third spot for this reason. The points that you get in a Leo for leveling up drones are triple that of the Vengi or Goli. If you don't have a vengi though I strongly encourage those as well.
  8. botpatrol

    botpatrol User

    Leo if you have HP boosters

    Vengy for speed as with new range most ships will escape your leo..hence making its x2 damage useless ...
  9. Oracle

    Oracle User

    I wouldnt choose leo because it can be only used in your company's lower maps(Otherwise it is useless).vengeance is fast and powerfull.If you want you could also hunt in a veng.Or you could just park it in 5-2 and pally :paegis is the third best ship by me.Leonovs suck :p


  10. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Leonov is only good in own low maps and don't got same speed then goli in own low maps or less. So I'd take vengeance it's faster then goli and is very useable in every map.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    A few posts above me have made good points about the Leo and that it isn't as effective at hunting enemies in its lowers anymore but the OP was asking which ship was better specifically for Npc hunting in the lower maps hense why I suggested the Leo, the Vengi would obviously be a better choice for hunting enemy maps and/or pallying. I myself would chooce the Leo for farming Npc's in lowers because of its double damage and shields plus the awesome rocket damage, although I don't farm in lowers anymore, I use my Goli for everything else :).
  12. veritas

    veritas User

    Leo is excellent for economy of ammo, which is not an issue per se with credit ammo, but if you're using seprom, then it becomes a benefit. Rocket strength x2 is a biggie, particularly if you have premium and have double rocket speed reloading. Couple that with the right drone formation and NPCs will practically melt away under your attacks. I would run HP boosters too, as someone mentioned.

    I currently have a Vengi in lowers, and speed is its own power. Ammo economy isn't bad.

    Depending on the server you play on and the time of day you play, if you have a lot of hunters invading your maps that are more powerful, I'd go with the Vengeance. Repping is a buzzkill and you'll do a lot less of it when you're in a ship that can outrun the top heavy hitting players. Unless they're in a vengi too. :p

    If you play when you're not likely to be harassed constantly by other companies, Leo is the way to go. If your bio is quite strong and you've got drones/ammo/shields all leveled up, in which case you can stand toe-to-toe with the stronger players, then I'd say Leo all the way.

    You could always run for a while in a Leo then bid on a Vengi, and when you get tired of that vice versa get a Leo. See what works best. Until you get yet another hangar and can have them both depending on your mood/action in the maps.
  13. Lol that's what I'm doing with my 2 hangars atm. I have a Vengi with lightning design in 5-2 for pally xD
    And the Ship, Vengi or Lenov, is for Lower farming use only. I plan on keeping the Goli for uppers.
  14. Thank you all for your answers, I will go with a Lenov.
    If any mods see this, it can be closed now.
  15. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

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