Slot CPU

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by WyattEarp, Dec 30, 2013.

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  1. WyattEarp

    WyattEarp User

    Would like to see a slot cpu upgrade. Either 15 or 20 slot.

    Forum mods: You may close this thread seems it has become a spamming thread. Let the powers that be decide now.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
    ROCKIN-RON and ^Stewie^Griffin^ like this.
  2. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    We don't need it. If you want more extras get a ship with a higher slot amount.

    VESPID User

    Oh this is a great idea!!! There are so many much needed and or wanted chips out there and so few slots.
    I suggest 20!!!
  4. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    You can get 14 slots in the Citadel, that is plenty for any extra you want.

    And you can put extras on drones, so that's 34 extras you could potentially have.

    VESPID User

    sure for that ship, don't you know that there is more than just that one ship?
  6. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

  7. Apparently, you haven't played the game very long, or don't have a clue. I think the idea is great! More slots would be awesome.

    Are you just trying to up your post count?
    ROCKIN-RON likes this.
  8. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    We. Don't. Need. This.

    End of discussion, please.
  9. And, your position in the forums is what? Who are you to determine what is and is not needed. Discussion continues.

    Oh, and by the way, your name fits you perfectly.
    ROCKIN-RON likes this.
  10. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    Thank you. How about giving me some reasons why you think this would be a good addition to the game?
  11. Because some of us have spent years playing this game and have all of the ships and would like to have more room for the cpus that are really advantageous to playing the game.

    Btw, your posting of non-productive, trolling comments has been reported.
    ROCKIN-RON likes this.
  12. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    What cpus would you like to use that you can't? And I'm pretty sure if the DO team wanted you to use all the cpus they would give you an unlimited slot amount. They want you to make a choice, just like with pilot bio.
  13. lol, all of them, but seriously, it really depends on what I am trying to accomplish at the time. With the auto repair bot and the auto rocket launcher and such, those are slots that should be opened up once you have the item. if that were the case, then perhaps and expanded slot wouldn't be necessary. At the moment I can't think straight, just got home from work and would have to really think about my answer. but there are some cpus that shouldn't need to be equipped once they are obtained.
  14. 'nuff said, we don't need another Extra Extender, a 10-slot is enough.

    +1: Just the Slot Extender shouldn't be equipped, I believe, it does free up a lot of space.

    Rest of msg: That's the reason why there's limitations. So things don't become unbalanced. But then again, things went unbalanced LIKE HELL after the addition of LF4s, Hercules and Havoc drone designs. You want to further offset the game by NOT having a Slot Limit? That would disrupt the entire game. And you can put extras on drones, sacrificing having a laser or shield gen. Again, just some limitations.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 24, 2014
  15. No, a new slot CPU would be ace. The one we currently have is old and like everything else's - needs improving. With new slot CPU it would save us all time from switching from extra to another / having configs with different extras
    JosephineEarp likes this.
  16. Full_force

    Full_force User

    We don't need it. Even with the slot 10 or even slot 8 you can fit every cpu you need on most ships. If you can't well take off the ammo cpu, the radar, etc only what is useful goes on the ship.
  17. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Naw, this is a needed idea to be implemented for all that want it.
    The rest can simply not get it when it comes out.
    JosephineEarp likes this.
  18. Full_force

    Full_force User

    JosephineEarp likes this.
  19. The slot CPU we have now is just fine, at least in most cases it makes you have to choose between what you want and what you need. It also allows everyone to have slightly different config setups, therefore making every ship that little bit more different. It would be great to be able to have absolutely everything we have in our hangar but that would just make the game boring.

    Goodness me I thought I would come to this Updates/Ideas section to see if there was anything good and give some feedback but it seems every single one I have looked at right now has been bad lmao it is depressing!

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Like others have said they want you to make a choice, this isn't needed and something shouldn't be introduced just because its apparently wanted by players, its fine the way it is and really you shouldn't have trouble fitting all necessary extras depending on what ship your flying and what your trying to accomplish but again they want you to choose and it means more variety in-game.
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