I'm Gone

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Thaumanovic, Dec 31, 2013.

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  1. Taking a break from DO. Can't be bothered trying to find a decent fight on my server anymore. It's either ten of them versus one of you, or a 1v1 that ends with the enemy jumping. PvP has been severely diminished over the years and I'm done trying.

    Sorry, DarkOrbit, but if you don't do something about the state of your game then I may never come back.

  2. Hey man, off topic ,but how do I find which server i'm on?
  3. Check the URL on the backpage. For example:


    Would be GB2.

    Also, next time make another thread. Hijacking an existing thread is against the forum rules.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Ports have always been a part of the game and there annoying but don't diminish PvP, maybe you should try hitting harder to take down enemies before they have a chance to jump or utilize a slow down rocket, Port fighting is a waste of ammo and its a good tactic to waste your enemies ammo, I would probably enjoy a 10 vs 1, I don't know why you don't lol.
  5. whoeva

    whoeva User

    I'll give you some 1v1 if you want, should you decide to give it another go?
  6. I'll give you one too...
  7. Goodbye
  8. HaHa :rolleyes:, tell me about it - was doing me last quest and there were 5 various companies. Wasn't even a fair fight. 'Cry me a river says one and got chat banned then hacked by a....' You get the idea. Just wait for the updates.