Happy New Years from...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by cooljak96, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Happy New Years from the East Coast (3) of the USA :)
  2. pkomg

    pkomg User

    what is your nick name in game cooljak :D i play in us3 too but never seen anyone name cooljak :p
  3. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I haven't been playing as much, usually just forums :)

    But it's Cooljak96.
  4. Happy New Year Cooljak, from another east3 player.
  5. Happy New year to you too Cooljak, from Great Britain 2!

    Happy Flying!
  6. Happy New Year especially my peeps from USA 3 & 1.-DOL
  7. Oracle

    Oracle User

    Happy new year cooljak Gb1 here :p


  8. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Happy new year greetings from Scandinavia 2 :)
  9. Happy New Year from Venezuela, i play in Esp4