Seprom Days

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sociopath, Jan 2, 2014.

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  1. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    I'm proposing an event that happens once a month or so, and it just makes seprom spawn on PvP maps as an ore. However, it isn't just a single seprom rock at a time, its 3-7, when you pick them up. This actually makes a reality out of the fact that the companies are supposed to fight over resources.
  2. that is kinda a good idea, but most FE players have level 20 skylab and have all seprom they need for hunting, so mostly noob players would go there and pick it up, so it would be like hunting dead birds for FE players those days.
  3. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    I like the idea, i'm running out of seprom very fast past days.
    So it would be very easy for me to just go collect some with me pet.
  4. I like it.

    "The pirates recovered tons of Seprom from unclaimed Skylab shipments, they were shot down and ditched the shipment! It's a free for all now!"

    I have a level 20 storage facility and it's not enough. This would be super useful. Besides, noobs wouldn't have a use for Seprom since they don't hit that hard.
  5. it takes 48 hours - if fully upgraded. 9000+ ownage :eek:
  6. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    And it takes me 6:14 hours to ship 3120 (I've a point in logistics). Having 9000 would only take 18 or so hours. :/
  7. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Pros- Lower level players/ Free players would be able to collect and refine the seprom to their ship in order to get better. It would add more people into the battle maps.

    Cons- Higher level players can easily go into those maps and rack up the ship kills, killing all the fun.
  8. It's not much of a con, it's more of a go at your own risk thing. If you want Seprom, you better watch your 6. Lol.

    SS_HELIOS User

    Its the same deal with palli so the con wouldn't be as nice as the pro. They could put a few in 1-1 for those lvl 1-6 or whatever to collect just to show them why you need to build skylab.
  10. I like the idea, but it is really only useful for noobs and players that are just looking for a quick seprom boost. UFE and FE players can just go and pop all the noobs that are in there, therefore boosting there stats
  11. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I feel like it would, over time, have the same "rules" put in place as pall. The UFE players would let the little players gather sep, but there will always be those who pop for fun.
  12. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    My thoughts exactly. Probably what will happen is everyone sticking to "their" company map, not sure about 4-4 though. Might have to make a smaller patch of it there, like 5-1.
  13. very possible. I know it isn't fun trying to collect pall and having UFE's popping me all the time because they feel like it
  14. Interesting Idea. I think making an ore that is better than Seprom might make it more of a challenge and would be more in keeping with the "spirit" of the game.

    And making it the only ore on the PvP maps would make it a hot commodity.

    Another concept might be to make it take up to 10x the space as regular ore.
  15. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    Celerium? Used only for increasing speed generator performance at 30% more, versus promerium's 20%. We could have this scarcely scattered around the seprom fields. (Comes from latin for "speed.")

    SS_HELIOS User

    Bigpoint should put all these ideas together.
  17. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    Which ones, just this event idea?
  18. Oracle

    Oracle User

    Interesting idea...It would give some action to Battlemaps.So i'll vote for yes :p


  19. I agree with Oracle. Bmaps have been pretty much irrelevant since the advanced jump chip came out. Get the occasional cloaked boxer in there but that's about it. I like this idea simply because it gives a reason to spend some time in bmaps. Though I generally support keeping the peace in pally, bmaps are bmaps and red is dead in there, special event or not. They exist for PVP.

    +1 for me.

    SS_HELIOS User

    All the different comments on this thread that add something to the original.