G-2 chip

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Dec 21, 2013.

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    VESPID User

    See that is the thing, the G-2 chip is a very needed idea and not weird in any way.
  2. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    The reason why I ignored the rest of that comment isn't because I haven't read it.
    As a matter of fact, I have read it and it isn't even worth my time. It is only a mouthy sympathy-begging idea of cocky-ness and I apologise for my rudeness in this respect but perhaps you should understand what kind of game you're playing.

    I suggest that you play more games and grasp the concept of upgrades. Weaker ships are meant to be weaker and stronger ships are meant to be stronger. During gameplay, players start in weaker ships and progress slowly until they can purchase stronger ships. No two ways about it. What you are trying to do is beyond insane but rather imbecilic!

    The very idea of having weaker ships on par with stronger ships has totally blown my mind.

    Rather than being arrogant, try to appreciate that we, the darkorbit community of players and moderators, are helping you by giving feedback on your suggestions. You are showing no signs of having taken into consideration any of our opinions and rather claim that this idea is 'needed' and nothing more...

    I simply cannot waste my time dealing with such levels of arrogance and request that a moderator deals with this ASAP or I bid adieu.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
    Blah and TheTaser(V) like this.

    VESPID User

    Oh I understand the notion of upgrading, I just don't understand the concept of only upgrading the strong ships.
    That is a foolish notion to impose and even defend considering the want for all ships to have the option of upgrading.
    In my eyes this idea will contribute to the enjoyment of this game for more than a few.
  4. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    For the record, ships don't upgrade. Maybe I wasn't clear enough and it shows how little understanding of games you have!

    Players begin in weaker ships. They play the game, earning credits and uridium and ultimately save up for the more expensive and stronger ships. They have 'upgraded' into a better ship.
  5. Full_force

    Full_force User

    Because that is what progress means vespid.

    Making better things has things are made better older weaker/less efficient items are made useless.

    VESPID User

    Well yea but with the right items ie: chips, designs and various other extras the useless may become useful again for those that want them.

    Most of my ideas including this one are focused to that end.
  7. Oracle

    Oracle User

    Ehhhmmm NO.An leonov is ment to be for lowers and lets keep it this way.And if you want these stats on a ship bid 1 million on a GOLIATH!!!


  8. You have had a few good ideas that I support in the old forums, go look back on them, even bring them back. Look at those and see what it was we liked and thought made it a good addition then come up with some new ones.

    VESPID User

    I know every person by now has come to realize the reason I am making these ideas, please don't waste time saying weak comments like "if you want....."

    I still believe that options should be available for those that want it as opposed to the outspoken few that don't.......Thank you.
  10. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    so what you want is to make weaker ships AS strong as the goliath/veng et cetera.
    Simply understand what game you're playing and then make a half decent reply!
  11. VESPID

    VESPID User

    The difference being that any ship that employs this idea will have stats listed above but it will not be a goli.
    It won't have access to the goli designs, The goli's HP and most importantly the goli ships look!!!
    The ship using this tech will be company colored to cut the confusion that any enemy ship can expect when they come across one of these better armed ships.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    How about no.
  13. VESPID

    VESPID User

    By all means refrain from getting one of these chips when they come out. As I said earlier I will not force feed this or any of my ideas that get implemented into the game.
    Thank you .

    BOSS~ADAM User

    If they get implemented, not very many have agreed with any of your idea's and some would even cost Bigpoint money so of course those wouldn't ever be implemented.
  15. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Wow, there seems to be lots of half empty glasses in forum.
    Well, my half full glass will be raised to celebrate success considering the notion that confusion, fear of unannounced ideas, glitches and lag or bully disruption seem to be the only real reasons to oppose this kind of ideas.
  16. chixonator

    chixonator User

    its literally the same thing as a goliath, we dont need it, + i dont want leo's flying around hitting as hard as golis but in a smaller ship so harder to lock.. although i would definitely use that to my advantage..

    BOSS~ADAM User

    That's pretty much why I don't want it or think its needed.
  18. VESPID

    VESPID User

    It is not!!!
    It only offers some similarities.
    This idea is needed for any ship that is lacking these stats.
    Even if "I said if!!!" there wasn't a need for this chip, I know there is a want!!!
  19. chixonator

    chixonator User

    ok... it doesnt have the abilities or extra slots as goli but its basically the same..
    Blah likes this.
  20. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Simply understand what game you're playing and then make a half decent reply! Your reply was lacking!
    Thanks for deleting that mod, but next time wait till the author of this thread reads it!

    What your saying is absurd. Making weaker ships AS strong as the stronger ships is barbaric! :mad:
    'a much needed concept' as you always say...well perhaps you should explain why you would want to do that or give at least one valid reason which contains no flaws whatsoever! So far your idea has simply been empty words which have no conclusive standpoint. Your reasons on the first page were all objected to (and they were pathetic). So go on; give a damn good reason to have this, 'pathetic excuse of an idea', implemented into the game.
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