Noobie Help?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DignityX1, Jan 3, 2014.

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  1. DignityX1

    DignityX1 User

    Well, im just lvl 8 and i got a Vengeance, 6 LF-3, 9 Uri speed generators,2 designs i bought by luck with just 20k creds,and now i want to ask what should i do, should i go for the Goli or collect 15 LF-3 and Speed generators , and after taht buy a goli?
    Note: Not using money on game
  2. Rossi

    Rossi User

    save credits and bid on speed/shield generators, LF-3 and irises small amounts of credits. You won't usually win, but sometimes you do and since they give you those credits back, you have nothing to loose. But don't buy those items with Uridium!

    Use Uridium to build gates or for upgrading Iris's or saving it for Aegis. It's really up to you, if you want Goliath or Vengeance. Vengeance is good for noobs who wants to kill NPC and don't want to fight, if somebody attacks them. But I think you are not strong enough to run away from stronger ships, so...

    It's really up to you. I would stick with the Vengeance and make it stronger. And after you will be stronger, I would buy Aegis and Heart formation.
  3. DignityX1

    DignityX1 User

    UUU, but 250k Uri is quite much, it would be easier if it were on the auction
  4. Dignity i agree with Rossi. My motto is: Don't spend uri for something you can get with credits! Anything you can get on trade; it takes more time but get it on trade! In my opinion you should stick to your vengy for now or if you are always sitting in your lower maps i would advise downgrading to a leonov as you get benefits. On trade I advise working through the bo2's and the lf3's near enough at the same time. so if you can get the credits bid on both in each trade and try for them. some say go for iris first but why get iris if you have nothing to put on them?

    so to sum it up: If you sit in lowers get a leonov, Don't spend uri to get your kit, bid on bo2's and lf3 at the same time. when you have more than enough for 8 iris drones and your leonov upgrade to goli and do the same again to get your goli fe. Goodluck and have fun!
  5. DignityX1

    DignityX1 User

    What is the auction UR to credit exchange rate in the int14 server? would i be able to get a goli with 2mil creds?
  6. Rossi

    Rossi User

    I totally forgot. You will need uridium only for Heart formation, because Aegis will be on trade after the new update. So don't worry
  7. Hello DignityX1

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Save up your credits and go for something which can be obtained from Auctions like LF-3, BO-2, Iris drones, rockets launcher, CPU's and whatever uridium you earn from farming, boxing or doing quest spend that wisely on things you need. You can join a good clan in your server which helps its member with credits. You can reach any big goal in this game if you set small goals to reach your final destination :)

    Goodluck :)

    Moving to a more appropriate section for further discussion.

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    To: General Issues