Old UI screens

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SPSAT99, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The first "new UI" on the test server was pretty interesting as well, some features on there that don't exist anymore such as the asteroid fields.
    There was also a video of an admin on a even earlier version where the drones shot lasers too but I can't find it :(
  2. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Thanks, HarleyD!:)
  3. Woah, that Bigboy is wacky! Reminds me of a siamon now!
  4. Those images are awesome I wish the game was still like that! It would be great to see any more like that, brings back memories.

    I think what I loved the most about darkorbit then were the battlemap fights.

    There are many videos on youtube, here's one I found as an example:

    Kinda makes me homesick watching that... lol. Dark Orbit was a game of honour and skill.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
  5. God damn it i reminded me of so many battles in 4-4 against enemy clans , it was a social game now is more solo hunting nothing else.
    I started playing a lil bit the old client they realised recently its exactly like this nice nostalgia
  6. Wow, so many memory's coming back. GB1 back then was awesome - so many pvp battles ( unlike now), and how all one had in a battle was x2/x3 and skill...whereas now we've got all this emps, drones designs, lf4s, rubbish.

    gonna try getting some pics of my acc & post here ( on old pc) XD
  7. Yeah I remember hunting on GB1 in my Bigboy with like 4 flax in EIC lowers and I hardly ever popped. Nowadays I would be a 1 hit kill doing that lol.

    To be honest, if I had the choice, I would let bigpoint take away all of our havocs/lf4/bio/rsb/emp/moth etc. if it meant the game could go back to how it was then.

    Would that be a waste of money? Yes. But it would be a hell of a lot more fun than it is now so I don't care.

    Same here hopefully see you there :p
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2014
  8. Lol yeah those were the good times. And i too would allow Big point to remove all we have now, if i meant going back to the way the game was *sighs*
  9. Dark Orbit will not go backwards, but I think they can enhance their forward movements by lowering the "Expense"

    Expense!!.. drop the great and unattainable prices by increasing the "chance" (higher probabilities) & lowering the prices of things like log disc's, booty key's.

    This will help 2 sets of players here, the old hands who gave up spending (knowing their is no end to updates) & the new comers who can only see "Expense" & are very discouraged from the get go.

    Sorry I kinda swung off topic but the door was opened :p

    Peace :cool:
  10. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    nah, Its okay going off topic. I accept that! In fact, I kinda knew that talking about the old UI would bring this topic up somewhere. So its okay! :)

    Also, am I correct to assume that before those drone designs/LF4/bio and other stuff came out, the PvP fights were more or less non-decisive in the first few seconds of battle? Like now, when a non-FE Vengy goes up against a UFE Leo, you KNOW who will win. But in the old battles, were the ships so evenly matched that it was almost impossible to tell who will win?
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2014
  11. [​IMG]
    Some Blenders lol

    Peace :cool:
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
  12. Wow that looks fun back then :D wish I could go and play on there :D level 2 and basic Capatin :p
  13. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    yup, it does look a whole lot more fun than now! :). Although, I think I would be bored if I played that version of DO now that I'm in the "modern" version of it! :(
  14. I wouldn't be bored simply because there was proper PvP back then and that never got boring. I used to sit at 4-2 top port for hours on end in my free time and I don't think I ever got bored of it until the point when battle maps died.

    And anyone could fight, didn't have to be a UFE to win. I would happily go back to the days of being a flaxy veng but ruling the battle maps, instead of now in an almost UFE goli with nothing to do.
  15. Well, I must agree. I miss the mass raids. I miss when battles lasted minutes rather than seconds. Ships are way over powered now. Takes away a great deal of the entertainment aspect of the game.

    It seems in an effort to advance the game, Big Point did one of those.. one step forward, two steps back scenarios.

    It's changed form a mass online pvp game to a solo as you go hunting game.

    Peace :cool:
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Dying in battle map, repairing on base then flying all the way back into the exact same ongoing fight, those were the days :p
    ~DTox~ and ŴДƦЯÏØЯ™_12$ like this.
  17. Yep they sure where the best of times I think. However as the game progresses so do the players, unfortunately the game has updated way too fast for the normal player to come even close to catching up.

    Peace :cool:

    Yes you are correct. Back in the day it was more talent than power. The ability to use all the tools available to fight was what made the difference. Clan members would hunt together as a "Team", but today I see very little of clan gatherings other than those in outfits working to level up and do quests.

    The PVP aspect of the game seems to have become more a solo trek than a team effort. Yes once in a while I see a group of clan mates cruising the maps, but their usually 5 or 6 UFE dudes who are literally indestructible.

    oh well... cheerz to the days of the past :D

    I still enjoy this game today, but it is lacking the ummm pizzas it once had.

    Peace :cool:
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
  18. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    I can totally relate to the clan bit. I see almost no grouping kills and team work, unless if you are in a group.
  19. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    When were gates introduced? Or were they always around? (I know Kronos and Hades came out a year before, I think)
  20. alpha beta and gamma came out sometime in 08 i believe or just the end of 07..hmmm can't exactly remember since at the time i never spent a dime and didn't play as much.