Complementary Ship to Citadel, Aegis and Spearhead

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TheEarthling, Jan 9, 2014.

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  1. Please feel free to share any Positive or Constructive feedback. Trolls will be shown no quarter.

    Portal Ship

    Hull: 300,000
    Generators: 15
    Guns: 12
    Rocket Launchers: 2
    Extras: 3
    Cargo: 1,500
    Batteries: 25,000
    Rockets: 3,500
    Speed: 280

    Tech abilities:

    Portal Mode: Ship turns into a jump gate. Allows Portal Ship and any members of the group to jump into any map applicable to the jump chip.* Used for up to 30 seconds, then jumps itself and deactivates on arrival. When using the portal mode ability you may choose to enter the selected map through a jump gate or by coordinates(can be chosen or random). Requires 10 seconds to activate portal mode. Ship can neither move while in Portal Mode nor provide a Demilitarized Zone.

    *Jump CPU Chips Equipped to Portal ship will send everyone to the X-1 Map. If first ship jumps into Cubikon Graveyard then all pilots who're group members at the time of the initial jump can jump into the map until Portal Ship jumps. All others will be sent to X-1. Advanced Jump Chip will send all group members to desired location. Jump Costs apply only to the Portal Ship selecting the map for the group to travel to.

    Duration: 30 secs or until deactivated.
    Cooldown: 6 min

    Vortex Mine: Drops one mine rendering enemy company ship immobile, inflicting 50k damage over 10 seconds. NPC's and enemy player ships flying into the activated vortex, but not part of the Portal Ship's group, will be caught in the vortex, but will receive no damage. Pilot point upgrades and Turbo Mine CPU's apply to the mine.

    Duration: 10 secs
    Cooldown: 2 min without Turbo Mine CPU

    Defensive Wormhole: Wormhole opens up between the Portal Ship and either closest attacking NPC or player ship firing; or attacking ship with the most hit points at the time of activation. The wormhole sucks up the attacking ship's lasers and rockets and hits the ship through the other end of the wormhole, inflicting 10% of intended damage. This ability allows mines to pass harmlessly around you if no enemy ships are nearby. Can not be disabled by EMP. Not active during Portal Mode.

    Duration: 10 secs or until any portal is activated.
    Cooldown time: 1 min
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
    padiddle likes this.
  2. with 12 guns and 15 gens u should drop the hp a bit its just to much for a ship like that ,the eagis and citadel are already OP ships specialy when they are UFE .

    defensive wormhole should be removed , makes it to easy for players to escape .

    and yea i dont realy kno bout this ship, cuz their are already enough ships as it is in DO
    but its a nice ship tho
  3. burkey

    burkey User

    Erm, the ship doesn't move? Or have you just left out it's speed by accident...?

    And agreed with Delp, there too many ships (too many uri ships imo) and not enough for the free/new/lower ranked guys to play with
  4. This has specs similar to the Goliath. Only 3 guns less, with the same amount of generators, cargo, extras. The hp would need to be dropped to make up for the advantage. Otherwise, the UFE's would be flying this around taking out enemy clan bases by themselves using the Defensive Wormhole. The hp would be too high. I see people flying around with 800k hp in a goli, what would you expect this ship to have max?
  5. Here's a better option:
    Take all the new ships (Aegis, Spearhead and Citadel)
    and create three new credit ships with 50% of their HP, equipment, abilites, etc.
    DatDino likes this.
  6. So we ave a transformer ship fying around now... seems like a pretty cool idea~
    However, make this ship an expensive credit ship, there are just way to many uridium ships out... How about 60,000,000?
  7. DatDino

    DatDino User

    No need after the new update comes out there is gonna be aegis, citadel and spearhead all in trade once a week
  8. burkey

    burkey User

    60mil is nothing for FE's etc, we have billions of credits.... this will just price out new players
  9. Oh wow
    Even the Drone Formations too?
    DatDino likes this.
  10. We're not sure about drone formations yet KilerStreak. But yes, us FE's and UFE's have billions of credits. I myself have 10 bil credits and 800k uri.[​IMG]
    burkey and KilerStreak like this.
  11. Sorry it took so long to get back to ya. Thank you burkey for pointing out I missed the speed. The original post has been edited to adjust for the error. The speed to even out the hp to address the concerns of other posters.
  12. burkey

    burkey User

    Ok cool, but now it's slower than Citadel, less HP, less shields (cos of generators) and only benefit being a few extra lasers. I think with Citadel being a big slow tank, there isn't much of a market for this ship... although the abilities sound like they would be awesome given the very low cooldown time.
  13. Ok, after giving it some thought, I increased the speed to 280. Its more to even it out vs a Goliath than vs a Citadel.
  14. We have jump cpus and portals already, lol. As for defensive wormhole, putting the incoming damage to 10% is like cheating. Vortex mine, I have always been against immobilization so there's my thoughts. Slowing down is fine. Completely stopping for 10 seconds while dealing damage:eek::confused: no way.
    burkey and KilerStreak like this.
  15. True, but a ship that can turn itself into a Jumpgate has the advantage of saving jump creds for the group and makes raiding easier when everyone can jump to the same location (if the group so chooses).

    How is it much different than an energy leech? And How would it be cheating? Not to mention, not everyone in Dark Orbit can shoot 100k damage or more. Even the Uber-Kristallons don't shoot much over 36k.

    This ship is not designed to fly clear across dark orbit to raid newbs. The ship only does 280. Not only does the immobilization produced by the mine compensates for that(like Citadel's Travel Ability), but the 50k damage the mine puts out (which is about the same as a DD-M01 doing damage against a Goliath) helps when the Portal Ship is fighting while immobilized in Portal Mode. Besides, the mine damages the ship that sets the mine off. Not everyone unfortunate enough to fly into its range. There's not much difference between the Vortex Mine and a Venom Class Goliath using its Singularity Function in concert with a SL-M01 Mine.
  16. Saving jump credits...right. Who doesn't have hundreds of them? And do we really want a group of 8 simultaneously popping into your map in the same spot and wreaking havoc?

    From what I understand, it's not an energy leech. It reduces all incoming damage to 10%. So I'm taking 200k, and I use that. Suddenly, I'm only taking 20k and I can now pop the way.

    The ship does 430 actually. :p And there is no way to convince me that immobilizing for 10 seconds is okay.
  17. These ships are just not needed, they are too OP and we already have enough ships at the moment.