Skill Tree Bio

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DJXL.SA.TX, Jan 10, 2014.

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    DJXL.SA.TX User

    I have set my bio a few times and have decided that this will be my next set up
    I think it is good what do you all think on this set up?

    I also have a question on LUCK ONE, Tractor Beam and LUCK 2
    If Anyone can help me I would appreciate the input

    I want to pick up more GG SPINS I was told that I need LUCK ONE - Tractor Beam and LUCK TWO

    will this help me get more GG SPINS in bonus boxes

    pulse I need input on this set up below

    Skill Tree Bio

    Section One

    Ship Hull 2 pp

    Shields 5 pp

    3. Heat seeking 1 pp

    total 8

    section 2

    bounty hunter 2 pp

    Evasive maneuver one 2 pp

    Ship Hull two 3 pp

    4. Rocket fusion 3

    5. Luck One 2 pp

    total 12

    Section 3

    Shields 5 pp

    Electro Optics 5 pp

    bounty hunter 3 pp

    Evasive maneuvers 3 pp

    Tractor Beam 5pp

    Luck Two 3 pp

    total 24 points

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Boxing bio points aren't worth it unless you box constantly, even then it could take months or years to remake what you initially invested, you don't need heat seeking missiles unless you want the visual effect and even then it should be your last priority considering your bio isn't complete, at least to me it isn't.

    I wouldn't get Luck 1 or 2 at all since most including me consider them a waste of points, I'd worry about your shield bio then fats and rocket fusion then evasive maneuvers and lastly heat seeking missiles. It's all up to you, and for your question about GG energy, the Luck bio should increase GG energy you receive but I'm not positive.

    I don't think you'd be able to have fats and max shields and boxing Bio with only 24 points either.

    With what you want your looking at 30+ pilot points.

    Ship Hull 1: 3/3
    Shield Engineering: 5/5
    Ship Hull 2: 2/2
    Shield Mechanics: 5/5
    Bounty Hunter 1: 2/2
    Electro Optics: 3/5
    Bounty Hunter 2: 3/3
    Heat-Seeking Missiles: 1/5
    Rocket Fusion: 5/5
    Logistics: 2/5
    Luck 1: 2/2
    Tractor Beam 1: 5/5
    Tractor Beam 2: 5/5
    Luck 2: 3/3
    Evasive Maneuvers 1: 2/2
    Evasive Maneuvers 2: 3/3

    Total: 51 Pilot Points(Not even possible), now you can cut down that number by cutting out Heat seeking Missiles and Rocket Fusion but Rocket Fusion is still better then boxing Bio to me, If I were you and I'm assuming you have 24 Pilot points I would get shield mechanics and engineering maxed then fat lasers then get 5 more points for rocket fusion, 1 for heat seeking if you want, the best way to get log disks is by farming Zeta gates.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2014

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    Total I have 37 pilot points.
    I have all my major stuff fats and shields
    but I put points in mines when I was in a clan they asked me if I could put up mines and be their demolition guy putting mines around base so I change my bio and put max mines on my ship...

    Now My bio is messed up. cause I don't need mines no more
    but still, I can use those points somewhere else
    and I was thinking the above chart that I came up with would be good so I need opinions on the chart I came up with would this be a good bio for max damnage

    Skill Tree Bio

    Section One

    Ship Hull 2 pp

    Shields 5 pp

    3. Heat seeking 1 pp

    total 8

    section 2

    bounty hunter 2 pp

    Evasive maneuver one 2 pp

    Ship Hull two 3 pp

    4. Rocket fusion 3

    5. Luck One 2 pp

    total 12

    Section 3

    Shields 5 pp

    Electro Optics 5 pp

    bounty hunter 3 pp

    Evasive maneuvers 3 pp

    Tractor Beam 5pp

    Luck Two 3 pp

    total 24 points


    BOSS~ADAM User

    It wouldn't have max rocket damage and you'd be wasting a point on heat seeking missiles when you can't even max out rocket fusion, I'm assuming you want max damage for hunting and farming aliens and if so you wouldn't need the boxing points at all, I'd say get everything but.

    If you want max damage then get the following:

    Ship Hull 1: 3/3
    Engineering: 1/5
    Shield Engineering: 5/5
    Ship Hull 2: 2/2
    Shield Mechanics: 5/5
    Bounty Hunter 1: 2/2
    Electro Optics: 3/5
    Bounty Hunter 2: 3/3
    Heat-Seeking Missiles: 1/5
    Rocket Fusion: 5/5
    Evasive Maneuvers 1: 2/2
    Evasive Maneuvers 2: 3/3

    Total: 35
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
  5. Hello DJXL.SA.TX

    Thank you BOSS~ADAM for assisting with this thread.

    Firstly if you want to get maximum amount of gate spins in battle maps from bonus boxes and also have your pvp bio retained, you would need only Tractor Beam II skills no need to put points in Luck I & Luck II and Tractor Beam I

    Boxing & PVP bio 37 pp:
    Ship Hull I 2
    Ship Hull II 3
    Engineering 1
    Shield Mechanics 5
    Tractor Beam II 5
    Shield Engineering 5
    Bounty Hunter I 2
    Bounty Hunter II 3
    Evasive Maneuvers I 2
    Evasive Maneuvers II 3
    Rocket Fusion 3
    Electro-Optics 3
    You should have all level 3 protocols (radar and salvage). Minimum 9 salvage and 3 radar protocol along with box doubler and auto-looter in order to get 5gg spins if your P.E.T picks up the bonus box and 4 gg spins if your ship picks up the bonus box.

    Tractor Beam I: This skills increases your cargo loot and won't affect bonus boxes, so its not wise to put points in this skill.

    Luck I & Luck II: This skill is good and in total it gives 12% increase on bonus box contents but the actual difference having this 2 skills and only having Tractor Beam II is negligible, Refer to example below:

    A) 150 uridum in battle maps with Luck I & Luck II and Tractor Beam II = 512 uridium (If pet collects)

    B) 150 uridum in battle maps with Tractor Beam II = 457 uridium (If pet collects)

    Total Difference: A-B = 55 uridium.

    The boxing bio is only good for pilots who have box-doubler and P.E.T related stuffs and in the end it all depends on your choice what bio you want to go for, so all the best with that.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    Thank u all for input everyone had good advice but PoseidonsFury think answered my question to stratification thank all of u again for your time and input all of u are Awesome.

    This can be closed
  7. Shifterai

    Shifterai User

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as requested.
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