Gambit Design

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. ...wth does that mean
  2. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    What things?

    VESPID User

    The notion that with evasive 5 offers 40% miss ratio, I have had evasive 5 since the first 3 months I started playing this game.
    I have yet to see a missed volley from a pvp match up.

    The idea of smaller or tactical ships being truly tactical by being less targetable and earning slightly more credits is a much needed concept.
  4. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    I'm still failing to see what things are wrong. The reason you haven't seen any missed attacks can easily be deduced, either the other player has got electro-optics maxed out and/or has the aim cpu active. Other than that they are probabilities and there are chances of getting a high rate of unmissed attacks too especially with the two active items mentioned. I do not have evasive pilot points active yet I do see missed shots from pilots who I know have electro-optics maxed out so i'm having doubts about your statement.
    Answer the question I asked before: What things?

    VESPID User

    I have addressed your question, here I'll do it again but in a different way.

    It is way too possible for too many pilots raiding the enemy maps to pop at will any ship considering the notion that with E.M. 5, being hit by every volley being fired is a reality especially the pilots in the smaller ships that seem to be targeted the most.

    The credit boost is just a boone
  6. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    It isn't a piece of cake to simply get E.O 5. Even those with it still miss shots. I can vouch for that and I don't even have E.M 5. Yes players get popped but that's how the game works. If you obtain high pilot points and get E.O 5 then that's your prize. Simply adding in further evasion will be crazy since those with E.O 5 already miss shots from time to time and what about those who do not have E.O 5? how often would their shots miss.
    The fact that you haven't seen a missed volley could be that hit rate is simply due to chance and as I already mentioned there are chances of getting successful hits in a row. Also consider the aim cpu.

    Correct your facts because there are players without E.M 5 who evade shots from those who have E.O 5 and I am one of them.

    VESPID User

    This idea is for the increased chance of not getting hit.
    Lets face it, there are more target lock assisting tech available than there is evasive maneuvers.
    This idea addresses that need.
  8. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    Okay, when I replied, I meant that as a literal formula affecting every single level. Also, there is no need for the HP cap with this system, as a level 20 would only have a 5% evasion boost.

    VESPID User

    Oh man, I wish I could open it to all ships but even with the restriction I am getting nothing but overpowered, not needed and mass confusion comments and opinions.
    Besides I really didn't want to drop below 20% considering the restriction.
  10. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    Soft caps > hard ones.
  11. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    pilot points have 1 of each target and evasion (the target for rockets and lasers are individual making it more difficult to get them both maxed whereas evasion is only a single skill)
    Anything else? Just one thing is the aim cpu but that's optional and it drains xenomit at an incredible rate so it isn't very long lasting.
  12. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Yes but it is also in two parts also making it slightly more expensive without any assistance in the extras or designs selections of shop.
  13. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Its meant to be difficult to obtain. making it easy to get would defeat the purpose of the game. What about those who already have E.M 5. They would have almost no trouble with enemy fire and that includes the ufes who come to pop noobs.
  14. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Well yea, this idea makes it possible to evade attack.
    Much in the same way the additional tech that assists the targeting systems of them UFE you mentioned.
    It also makes better credit earnings.
  15. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    w.r evasion: That would put noobs at a complete disadvantage and create an even bigger gap between them and the best players. Meaning its just going to be near impossible to pop ufes as the attacks against them would almost certainly miss.

    The credit boost is okay.
  16. chixonator

    chixonator User

    hmmm i might use it once in awhile
  17. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Well yea, it is an idea that anyone can put into use.
  18. Maybe, Maybe not. However, I think we need all of our targeting techs. Why? Because I can miss a lordakia 4 shots in a row. That is why. Shots miss a lot as it is, and we have PLD-8s, ISH, Pilot Bio, and EMPs to all prevent ourselves from being shot. We really don't need 40% evasive maneuvers. Bad idea.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    How about no.
  20. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Hey, those that don't want it can feel free to not get it.
    Stopping a wanted idea is just dirty.
    Please don't do that.