Clan Donations

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Jedi9521, Jan 11, 2014.

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  1. Jedi9521

    Jedi9521 User

    Clan taxes are great for gathering money in the long run but if you need money for someone quickly, might take time for the taxing to really do its job. I promise clan donations. Members can donate as many credits as they want and it would make raising money easier and faster. Members could get what they need quickly and that would make the game pretty interesting. Would make auctions quite hard to win but it would also encourage more players to join clans. I don't see any serious cons to this concept but if anyone else does, please feel free :p
    ANgry.mN likes this.
  2. this is a good idea but theres tax for a reason if theres a ufe in the clan ho buys nothing but ammo he most likely have hundreds of millions of credits therefore he can send them to the clan if he does that the members can become fe much more quickly at a much faster pace making the game more complicated and can also shorten DO cashflow from people who buy uri to buy things with uri becouse they wont buy uri if they have all the credits they need to buy what they need in auction good idea but DO most likely wouldnt agree with this
  3. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Yes, I'd love to donate to clan cause sometimes it's going to slow to gain credits even on a 5% tax for a newbie that need some credits for some iris, etc :p

    BOSS~ADAM User

    This is true but I don't think it would jeopardize Bigpoints profits much, probably give more of a reason for new players to stick around and join or found clans and get help and help each other and it could make building up to FE a little easier and make it a bit quicker.
  5. Hmm, what about having individual taxation? Perhaps have a max of 10%. Each member can select from 0% - 10% contributions. This way, those who wish to contribute more can and those trying to save for large bids can save.

    I have observed over the years mostly this scenario..

    "Top Earning Players", many have "billions" of credits. They belong to clans who have a "zero" tax. For many of them this is the way to go.​

    Just think for a moment how long it would take you to earn 2 billion credits. Now 1 taxation takes 50 million at 5%.

    Many players like myself enjoy helping credit wise in a clan. 50 million a day is a chore to maintain, but if I was able to turn "my tax" down for a few days to build my credits back up this would be more encouraging I think.​

    Would be a draw for some UFE's and the such to go help and contribute with an adjustable tax rate.

    Same concept as your idea with a twist :rolleyes:

    I like your idea :D

    Peace :cool:
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2014
  6. Yeah...

    I would love it if I could just make multiple accounts,
    put those accounts in same clan, and then
    gather credits to those accounts with skylab,
    and finally
    donate me with all of those accounts...
    horay -.-'

    This is bad idea, because its too easy already to do "reward me"
  7. Jedi9521

    Jedi9521 User

    Well you all have valid points. I have been thinking more about my idea. It would be bad to be able to donate a large amount of credits at one time. However, there is another way for clans to gain more money. Increasing the clan tax maximum is the only other alternative that I can think of off the top of my head.
  8. Well, this can be abused, but I would be fine with it. I'd like to donate to my clan without having all of the noobs taxed to shreds lol. (not really)