PET sits still

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MachineGunHeaven, Jan 11, 2014.

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  1. i dont know if this is the place to put this but when im getting shot by npcs or players my pet sits there on guard mode and when i auto-loot it sits there w/o moving i have auto loot 3 with 7 lvl 3 radar protocols wanna explain why it sits there?
    USA East 1
  2. Some pets are just lazy :/

    Nah maybe just doesn't see the enemies. or maybe you have the equipment on one config but not the other
  3. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    There have been recent issues with the PET not working. It started with the Kami and now is apparently just not moving at all. Try clearing your cache. If that doesn't work, then post in the Technical Section.

    Also, what map are you in?
  4. i cleared cache and i went 36 37 43 and it does it throughout the maps also i didnt know where to post this :land vintage its the autoloot im concerned aobut
  5. Hello MachineGunHeaven

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Moving to a more appropriate section for further assistance.

    From: General Issues
    To: Technical Issues
  6. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Are you making sure that there is actually things for it to pick up?
  7. Take off the equipment and put it back on, it could be like some old problems with normal cpus not working and re adding them makes it work.
  8. dream ive done this on my cbs about 10 times already it doesnt change the range or use, cool i can reach the entire map from the center so it should see boxes but it chooses to sit there
  9. -ЩarΛnt-

    -ЩarΛnt- User

    got fuel?
  10. Um no, that is not how range works. The range is a chain reaction, meaning if it sees a box, it takes it, and keeps going for boxes near it in a chain, until no more boxes or it reaches its limits.
  11. Yeah Dream is right ...It wont go "seek out" boxes within its total range , it will only collect on a "string" of boxes, once all boxes in visual range are gone (from the pet's perspective), it runs straight back to you. Kinda lame, there are many old posts regarding this inept behavior -_-

  12. my pet probs started after i swaped ships in 5-2 ,had to go 2-8 base unequip pet then reinstall it working okay now
  13. well this is what it does picks 1 box comes back and sits next to me when theres boxes around just sitting there so the string idea isnt really plausible its good in theory if thats truly how is supposed to normally work but my pet just needs to be fixed or put down because it just sits there not even trying to collect boxes
  14. You know you can equip and such at 5-2 mid base right?
  15. Hello MachineGunHeaven,

    Thank you everyone for your assistance. To be absolutely sure, could you please delete both of your configurations (Using the Delete Configuration button in your equipment page), and then re-apply the equipment back on your ship and pet please. Please let us know if it does or doesn't work for you. Thank you for your patience in this matter.

  16. i had all ym ships on the cbs in 36 i changed ships logged otu clear cache everything tried them on my ships and the pet sits there without a clue in the world my aegis venge goli cit leo all w/ my radars and auto loot 3 all them had the same effect it sat there
  17. Hello MachineGunHeaven,

    I'm sorry your pet is still having issues. I am adding this to the testing queue. Please understand this process can take some time. Thank you for your patience.

    Does the poster have any further questions?
