Gambit Design

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Dec 11, 2013.

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    BOSS~ADAM User

    Who wants it besides you, I don't think I'd spam forums for something I want knowing it's a waste of time or something overpowered or ridiculous or delusional.

    VESPID User

    Thank you, but those were opinionated comments.
    You"re almost there, by all means keep trying...
    Why not wait and see for yourself when they come out.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    When what comes out? Your confusing me with your spam posts and delusions, I don't think this would be implemented, I'm sorry.
  4. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    How daft.
    Those that don't want it CAN object to it (we're not stopping it and we don't have the rights to stop the thread). You talk as if we're the ones making a fuss.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Where in the rule's does it say we can only post assisting suggestions, if things were like that then terrible idea's would've been implemented in-game and thus the game wouldn't exist right now since it was destroyed. You need to realize some of your idea's aren't wanted or needed.

    VESPID User

    - Post with sense.
    - Posts which just say: "I hate this, don't do it" - "it sucks", etc, will be considered as spam and deleted.
    - Always post a reason why it would/would not work
    - If you want to suggest a change to the OP's(Original Posters) idea, then do so in a nice manner.
    - Repeated same answers will be considered as spam and deleted.
    - Off topic discussions are not allowed and will be considered as spam and deleted.
    - Full quoting of posts is not allowed (it's really bad if you have to pass the same endless post 3-4-5 times)

    There you go, look for yourself.
    Back on topic: The need for this idea is there despite the inability of some to realize it.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Sounds like everyone has been breaking rules then including you so i don't know why you would call anyone else on breaking rules, I always give a reason as to why the idea isn't needed and your to stubborn to understand.

    VESPID User

    Hmmmm....nope, I don't see anywhere in the rules that promote the notion of saying why an idea isn't needed.
    I do see where it says to offer reasons that it will or won't work and to offer assistance in a nice manner.....
    Here ends the lesson.
    Back on topic: With assistance this idea will be a more agreeable one.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    I can agree that this isn't needed if you can, I think everyone mas been more then nice or somewhat respectful and everyone has broken rules on your threads including you, maybe you should look over your own lesson.
  10. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I don't agree, I have seen respect from an enlightened few at best.
    Those broken rules on my part will be the last.
    Back on topic: Please stay on topic and follow the forum rules on this post.
    Thank you.
  11. Do you read your own posts? This is a terrible idea. First of all, you're giving it to only the starter ships. That's not like Darkorbit to give a design to a certain category of ships(category being crap). Maybe you should say, this is a design for the liberator, instead of for all crap ships? Anyhoo, then you went on to say 30% evasive maneuvers. NO. Think about that just for a second.(I know that's hard for you.) You included the leonov and the spearhead in that 30% evasive maneuvers. Definitely no.

    You say you want smaller ships to be harder to kill? That's a bit of an oxymoron. Smaller ship=easier to kill. Solution: get a bigger ship. As far as credits, they have this thing called skylab. Also, at aset price of 40k uri, that allows everyone to have it. Therefore, it's not much of a "special" design.

    I would say, get rid of the idea. I cannot offer assistance, because I do not believe that evasive maneuvers or credit boosts should be a part of design bonus's.
  12. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Then as a forum member, what good are you?
    I ask because almost all of your answers are either off topic of just straight up spam.
    You have proudly admitted that assisting suggestions are not possible and the notion that options fueled by different ideas seems to reveal your lack of compromise.

    I will thank you for the attention to the price you seem to have stumbled upon.
    It is that way for a reason.
  13. Glad you asked. I'm good for saying no to your ideas. If I see you make a good one, I will support it and offer suggestions.
    Straight up lie. I have not created any spam posts, and every one of my posts either has a suggestion, or explains why I cannot offer a suggestion. As for this idea, I have no ways to change it to make it good. It should just be scrapped because in my opinion, it is that bad. <--- That is my on topic sentence.
  14. Interesting.Sounds alright...lets see what all changes on down this thread.
  15. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I'm afraid the changes have been many leading to the current version, but it is still open for improvement.