G-2 chip

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Dec 21, 2013.

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    BOSS~ADAM User

    There won't be a first time for this monstrocity.
    Blah, burkey and Seraphim like this.
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Wrong. Very very wrong.

    Also, I swear, if I see you post one more time that other forumers want it, I will contact support and have them close this thread. That is a promise I will make and hold.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
    Blah, Seraphim and BOSS~ADAM like this.

    VESPID User

    But soooooo many forum members like it!!!
    Strange that I didn't really refer to forum members regarding this idea....Till now.
  4. This idea kills the point in buying ships. Why wast on a chip when you can just get the ship?

    VESPID User

    Because the chip offers what most other ships are lacking.
    This idea is for the ones that may not be as impressed with the look of the goli's but at the very least be able to defend themselves from them.
  6. So buying this is better then bidding somewhere round one million credits to win a goli?

    BOSS~ADAM User

    I don't know about you but the Goli looks pretty awesome and you take risk flying a credit ship, whether its for fun or looks, it should remain that way since they're crappy ships and were meant to be that way and not upgrade-able in any way to the status of a Goli or even better.

    VESPID User

    There are few better moments in the game than winning a goli in auction, but if the look of another ship interests you more for what ever reason this chip is a gift!!!

    Would it be more balanced if the stats were less than 15?

    BOSS~ADAM User

    What's the point if it had less then 15 slots, it's not needed and not wanted, I don't know anyone that prefers the look of credit ships except maybe the Nostromo which they bring out to hunt and fly an awesome looking ship and have a challenge.

    ASTRAEA User

    When posting an idea here in the Update and Idea section, please make sure that you have added a complete description of the idea. This including cost, usage availablity and purpose.

    As this idea has merely a description and has set off a rant between forums posters. This thread will be closed.

    *** Please note several posts have been deleted as they appear as unnecessary or spam. These types of post will be removed throughout the forums as posting in this manner appears to be a trend to boost post counts.

    Have a nice day!
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