New Ship "Impaler"

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Crisis, Jan 12, 2014.

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  1. Crisis

    Crisis User

    The Ship i will be posting about today is an idea of a skill ship designed for pvps, along with it will be skill sets and specifications, thanks for your time and please give feedback.

    Name: Impaler
    Price: 275,000 Uridium
    HP: 210,000
    Lasers: 15
    Generators: 8
    Extra: 4
    Speed 370 "Max 450"
    Rockets: 2,000
    Laser Capacity: 30,000
    Cargo Bay: 2,000
    Rocket Launcher: 1
    Abilities "These are just a group of abilities that if chosen they can chose from"
    Precision: Laser Shots Cannot Miss Target For "15" Seconds (5Min Recharge)
    Impale: 20% DMG Laser Increase For "3" Seconds (15Min Recharge)
    Paralysis: Shoots A "Projectile" that Prevents Movement for 3 Seconds (5Min Recharge)
    Momentum: When flying towards an enemy boosts your speed to 500 for "3" Seconds (7Min Cooldown)

    these are just a bunch of abilities im not saying to do all of them.
    Designs will be posted soon as soon as im done thinking of some but for now you got the base idea
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
    Seraphim and ANgry.mN like this.
  2. Abilities need work on. Ship works out however I would suggest 350k uridium tho because I don't need to be shot over 300k dmg...
  3. hey, when do this ship come on shop, and can u post a pictire of it?? that had be cool
  4. ok, thanks =)

    do some1 have a picture of the ship, so post it
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 23, 2014
  5. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Uhmz no.. This ship would be to overpowered lol
  6. its come to shop right,?? not on bud??


    when do it comes on shop, like, this week, other few days??
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 23, 2014
  7. Its said, that Goliath will remain as most powerful ship, and it has only 15 lasers.
    Thats why I wont belive in this idea.
    Also, it would be owerpowered, so I dont like it either.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Damn you need to stop asking when it will come out because the OP doesn't decide, I personally don't see it coming out at all but we can wait and hope, to me it's a little overpowered having more speed and damage then a Goliath which is supposed to be the top all around ship in the game.
  9. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Name - Its okay
    Price - Can adjust after final show of its stats are confirmed
    HP - Make it lower than the goliath.
    Lasers - NO WAY. The goliath has 15 and that's plenty. Any ship with anymore laser slots is a no no. I'd say 15 max.
    Generators - Its okay
    Extras - Its okay
    Speed - Keep it lower than vengeance. 450 max would be ideal (so 370 base).
    Precision - Looks good
    Impale - Looks good (only because of the 3 second limit)
    Stasis - We have a tech for vamping HP so its a no no
    Paralysis - Hmm, nah. Looks like a cheap way to get EMPs

    Few things
    1) The above and below are my thoughts and not commands. Please don't feel pressurised into abiding by them.
    2) Want to see a general shape of the ship.
    3) Rocket launchers slot? or none? Suggested 1
    4) Cargo capacity? Suggested 1750 (base)
    5) Ammo capacity? I know B.P might remove them soon but just for the sake of it.
    6) Suggested ship category - Battlecruiser

    Good luck though :)
  10. Crisis

    Crisis User

    The thread has been updated its alot different now, i hope everyone has some new thoughts and thanks to serpahim for a bit of suggestions, keep the feedback coming!

    BOSS~ADAM User

    It's better then a Goli D:.
  12. Name: Impaler
    Price: 275,000 Uridium 300,000
    HP: 210,000
    Lasers: 15 Definitely too many especially when combined with Precision and Impale.
    Generators: 8
    Extra: 4
    Speed 370 "Max 450"
    Rockets: 2,000
    Laser Capacity: 30,000
    Cargo Bay: 2,000
    Rocket Launcher: 1

    Precision: Laser Shots Cannot Miss Target For "15" Seconds (5Min Recharge)Nothing inherently wrong until combined with Impale
    Impale: 20% DMG Laser Increase For "3" Seconds (15Min Recharge) You're giving a person the ability to do 264,000 damage per combo for 3 seconds.
    Momentum: When flying towards an enemy boosts your speed to 500 for "3" Seconds (7Min Cooldown) Afterburner ability in effect but even more speed boost
    Paralysis: Shoots A "Projectile" that Prevents Movement for 3 Seconds (5Min Recharge) That is a no. There are decceleration rockets. I know they are very expensive, but this ability is not slowing down, it is completely stopping. No thanks.

    I like the thought and time that went into this, but it is definitely overpowered with the abilities. The slower speed may make up for that, but having Paralysis almost guarantees a kill, and momentum almost guarantees an escape. I would say, lower the laser amount, and remove the Impale ability period because we have too much damage in this game as it is. The long cooldown times almost make up for it, but not really. We have cooldown boosters. Also, any ideas on how this ship might look? (probably pretty cool considering the name:))
  13. I Personally Like it
  14. I like all the suggestions people have made.

    If you want a suggestion about trying to keep the Impale ability, make all the cool downs share one timer maybe 5 or 10 minutes. So one skill usable at a time.
  15. Now that would be interesting and make it more feasible than having all 4 or even 3.
  16. Umm not a bad idea but ship abilities are not the best they seem a bit over powered :L
  17. OK. i just hope it true, lol
  18. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Ability idea: (NEED TO THINK OF A NAME): Fires a super charged rocket which causes the enemy to leak 1000 or 2000 shield per second. Duration 15-20 seconds.
    Cooldown time 1-2 minutes.