[ML] Brightdown's Boutique ! ^_^

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Bяight♠Døwл™│AИIMΞ│, Jan 11, 2014.

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  1. Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
  2. Last edited: Jan 12, 2014
  3. OMG ! So good ! thanks <3
  4. You welcome ;)

    Okay so ... another customers ? ^_^ :)
  5. burkey

    burkey User

    Wow these looks great, too bad the default prefs for forum is to have singatures disabled and that's how ive kept mine....
  6. Lol good thing some of us like to stare at our own sigs..

    I might make a request for a new sig, just to upgrade :3
  7. Signatures isn't disabled :D

    Profile > Preferences

    and you will find show signatures icon ;)

    Okay i'll be wait dude ;)
  8. Could you?!

    [​IMG] Take Suoh here, and put him on the Left side of the sig like yours.


    [​IMG] This symbol AND the Text cut out and put in the center.


    Sorry picture won't post. But take Anna out of this and add her on the right side.

    I would like the background design to be basically the same coloring type *red flames* as my current, and of course my User ID is in my current sig.

    Have my username on left side next to Suoh, my User ID on right side next to Anna.
    And in the middle from left to right on the bottom. No Blood, No Bone, No Ash

    Username: º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 13, 2014
  9. Dude give logo in render format U_U' this one will take a looooong time :eek:
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
  10. I got time? :p and I don't know how to render it or w.e, I gave up on graphic designing 4 years ago and switched to video editing.
  11. º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º

    I didn't add logo cuz makes signature terrible.


    Hope you liked ;) And please use the signature ^_^

    ~ Brightdown's Boutique
  12. Thanks,

    One question as a favor. Can you by chance, edit that Logo one with the text, and give it to me without the background? My friend tried but his photoshop isn't cooperating.

    Edit: If you can do it, make it a jpg
  13. Seeing as most people keep signatures turned off, I don't think they care too much these days.
  14. They cares signatures. But they don't knnow how to activate signatures u know this forum is pretty new :/ ;)
  15. Lol yeah, but some of them too lazy to care to know how to turn them on, and some don't bother with it.