Ignore Entire Clan in Chat

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Thaumanovic, Jan 13, 2014.

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  1. Pretty much what the title says. There's this clan on my server that I am sick and tired of listening to, so I'd really like a way to ignore them all in one fell swoop.

  2. So what is your idea for ignoring them all at once? I see no problem with ignoring a large group of people. I have also seen a thread called permanent ignore and I was fine with that too. Perhaps there could be an option to do /ignore and then type a clan name...idk
  3. That's up to the developers to decide, but yes that's probably how I'd like it done.
  4. Well the point of the update and idea pool is for us to come up with an Idea, so that's why I gave that suggestion, and asked if you had one too, considering you are the original poster. On to ignoration(I know it's not a word so shush) city!:eek:
  5. No, our job is to come up with ideas, not put them into action. I can't say how they'll be implemented into the game, because that depends on the way it currently works - Some things may not be possible, so that's why I'll leave it to the developers.
  6. I see what you mean. Perhaps I should have said expound on your explanation. I didn't mean that we are implementing ideas, but that it is our job to think through an idea when we post a new one. Yes, we are leaving it up to the developers from here on.
    Back to topic: Good idea. Can't wait to ignore a certain clan xD.
  7. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Yes, yes !! Do it! I have the same problem here xD
    Would love to ignore a entire clan

    Or something like that would be usefull ^^
  8. Yes please :D i would love to ignore some clans on my server which you would know about Darth :D