Kill Feed

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by cooljak96, Jan 13, 2014.

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  1. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User


    How about a kill feed that appears in the top right of the game page that shows all kills in the entire server. So for example, "Cooljak96 Killed Player Z in 4-4". It isn't very large or bright, so it's not distracting. This will allow people to see where the action is happening and allow them to head to that location in order to find enemies.
  2. chixonator

    chixonator User

    not a bad idea, unless your the 1 killing and then you get jumped by 8 people cuz they saw you on the kill feed :(
  3. chixonator

    chixonator User

    if they do make it it should be a box like chat where you have an option of opening it or not
  4. lame idea bro
    VESPID likes this.
  5. How about it just says bla1 killed bla2 and not give out the location, then it just ruins the pvp aspect of the game, and we get chased around and get nothing done...

    VESPID User

    Perhaps make it a premium pack perk, I really see no reason for this but I'm sure someone will.
  7. Some of us want to show off our constant kills :p

    VESPID User

    You meenee, this really should be a premium perk.
    One that offers the option of being turned off for those that don't want it.
  9. Or it can be fore all people and still have the option.
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Am I just making this up or did the old client have something very similar in the battles maps?
    It would say in the top left "(Player name) has been destroyed" if someone had been killed within a certain range of you. It was quite useful to know when the bigger players had been killed off in massive fights.

    I think there would have to be an option to turn it off though, on the large servers during events like scoremageddon the feed would be going crazy and could be quite annoying it people. I don't think he location of the kill should be revealed either.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
  11. tobydoby

    tobydoby User

    In the "old" days it was shown when someone was killed on the same maps you where in. Do not know why they took this off, most likely in there war on lag, back in the day.
  12. Yeah in the old days it used to say when a player in your map was destroyed, and who it was by, but when they updated to the new client where ships changed they took that away, I very much want that back, and liked it.
  13. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    How about, instead of having the exact map location, it had the company map name. So for example, instead of having Blah1 killed Blah2 on the map 2-4, it would be something like, Blah1 killed Blah2 in EIC territory.
  14. I like it. Would love to see that in-game as long as the location is not revealed. It sure would be a busy window lol.
  15. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    The kill feed wouldn't include kills during events such as Invasion or Deathmatch, however, will be shown for Spaceball, Capture the Beacon and other events like that.

    It doesn't always have to be a player killing a player either, it could be something like, Blah was killed by a Streuner (In these cases, it won't say what company it was in).
  16. I'd like it to be available all the time and not just for events. Thank you for the good idea, and keep up the good thinking.
  17. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Still not sure if it should just be for Premium users or not. If anything, I feel like it should be an option in the settings menu to turn it on and off if wanted.
  18. Well, it would add another bonus to premium, but my opinion is that it should be for all to see, like how it used to be.
  19. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Whoa, this idea already was implemented and removed due to lag???
    Yea, it may very well bring back that old lag.
    This might not be a good idea for that reason alone.
  20. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I like how one person says a single thought about a speculation and you instantly become negative towards the idea. Please think before you comment.