Injecting Life

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sparta[Λ], Jan 12, 2014.

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  1. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    As this game is practically P2W, it needs it's fan base to be heavily involved to give an incentive for new players to spend money.

    Without new players a game dies pretty quickly. So I came up with an idea on how to gradually encourage new players to actually play.

    New Player starter area (server). An entire server which ALL new players start on regardless of language (as each specific language server would have too few players to warrant being created).

    Once players reach level 10 (enough time (IMO) to get a player hooked), they are given the choice of what world server that they would like to continue their game on. Then when they have chosen their server, they get the option to choose their company. Having the ability to choose a company again at level 10 allows players to switch to their friends company without penalty. Communities make a game.

    This way new players have an entire server to themselves to have fun without the level 10+ players flying in and crushing their game spirit. We all know it happens, FE and UFE can pop a new player in one or two shots. That's no incentive to get someone to play or pay. It makes them think that they dont have ANY chance what so ever and thus they find another game.

    Every other MMO/Online game that I have played has had to create this sort of idea once their games had progressed (or they have designated zones for PVP and you can't die elsewhere). They usually end up called Nooby Island etc.

    I want to see more new players in this game; build the community. With more players (who are already level 10) there will be more fighting, more life and more fun. More fun = more uridium being bought. A happy player is a player who is more likely to spend money. Money is what BigPoint are after, it's also a sustainable business plan.

    Quit with the big buck/short gain ideas and build a more sustainable new player friendly game!

    I apologise if this sounds like a rant (it's not supposed to be), I get enthusiastic about this game and it comes out as poorly worded ideas and opinions. Please take this all with a pinch of salt.
  2. Mittoucp

    Mittoucp User

    Hell yeah, but less kills for me cuz I target the noobs :p
  3. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    How many "noobs" do you actually see in game anymore? in GB1 I can fly around all enemy maps and not see a single player. I can sit in X-1 and not see a pod or leonev.

    I miss the days when I could sit in X-1 and watch 100 pods circling struener. At level 10 most players have a leonev/nostromo (sometimes a vengeance). It should give them the chance to have a good start to this horrible unbalanced end-game stage we are in!

    Also thanks for your reply!
  4. It might be good idea, if it can prevent this great game for dying.
    Though it would change game radically, and could become cause of game death.

    And on the other hand, it is not so hard to survive in this game, if you choose right things.

    Game has been modified after i started playing the game.
    We have now tutorial missions witch have rewards (Motors, Generators and even ship)
    That was not always, game has already made little easier for newbies, and they have benefits
    that i never had.

    Its true that game has changed harder, but same time
    it has been made easier and faster to build FE.

    I know because i have tried this new introduction system.

    So my advice is, if you think you dont have what it takes to play free, you can always buy things with money.
    If that wont help, its your own fault that you cant handle things.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  5. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    So have I but my main point is that new players can't go anywhere other than x-1 as there are enemies in the other maps who will pop them in seconds. Which will cause a player to not even bother.
  6. BallistikD

    BallistikD User

    I can't remember the last time I saw a peanut flying across the map much less any of the other smaller credit based ships. Whether its lv7 or better, some of those first time players are going to pop fast for a host of different reasons. Not the right gear, really don't understand the map, no idea how the drones work etc..
    Throw them into the deep end and see who can swim.
  7. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    More like throwing them in the deep end with cement shoes ;)
  8. Maki

    Maki User

    This is very good Idea ..
  9. Yes, I would think that having a starter server would help quite a bit. I do not like the ideas that give noobs under level 12 complete protection and things like that. Having a noob server would probably encourage more of them to play, as the only people that can pop them would also be noobs.
  10. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    If they are going to make a noob server, the have to do it the right way. I remember starting out myself, and when I couldn't figure out how to do something, I would ask in chat. It wouldn't really help to have an entire server full of noobs, having them leveling up to 10, and they start almost like new in the new server.
  11. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Well while we're at it why not just make it a non pvp server with no level cap and allow the pilots the option of transferring to a regular server if they want.

    I only suggest this because the reason they are leaving is the pvp aspect of the game that they are not even close to ready to dive in.
  12. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    A non PVP server?? Thats the only reason why this game is alive. Would you want to stay in a game that you just shoot aliens non stop? No. Another bad suggestion.
  13. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Considering the notion that pvp has destroyed the other servers, I'd say nothing less is going to bring them back.

    Even you have to admit that.
  14. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Absolutely not. You take PVP out of it, the game is ruined.
  15. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Not for everyone and hardly forever, this suggestion is for one server till they are strong enough to go to another server.

    Bear in mind that the actions of the pvp players is what caused this dilemma in the first place.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  16. This is not what caused this dilemma. The relentless introduction of lf4's, havocs, hercs, upgrades in rapid succession is what did it along with the rampant botting that was happening. Its ridiculous to say pvp players caused it. Cooljak is right. This game is pointless without pvp.
  17. PVP is the essence of the game. Don't like it? Then why play? There's farmville and angry birds for those who dislike PVP.
    cooljak96 likes this.
  18. VESPID

    VESPID User

    That is probably where the lost players are, am I to believe that those lil updated items and botters are the reasons for the droves of people that turned away???
    So the pvp players that used all that crap on all those players has absolutely nothing to do with it????

    Pfffft....Spare me!!!
  19. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    If you don't see how they were the reason why so many people left, then maybe you should quit. You obviously do not see the problems with the game and are in your own little fairy world where everything is sunshine and daisies.
    TheTaser(V) likes this.
  20. Yes is suppose because i thought the other day what happens if mostly all of the people on the server get UFE and have full havoc and Full lf4 etc then what because if there is no new players on the server then it would be impossible for a new person to start on that server.