Kill Feed

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by cooljak96, Jan 13, 2014.

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    VESPID User

    Hey, I'm just working with the info I get.
    Didn't you know that this was already in and removed from game?
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Nope, and it wouldn't have mattered if i did or not. They took the player count out of the game for no reason, so why this.

    VESPID User

    Hey, I don't hate the idea.
    But let's face the facts, it was probably the source of glitches and lag.
    It really is too bad, but hey I've seen many good ideas utterly plagued by the NOTION of heralding mass glitches, lag and fleeing of players.
    This idea actually caused those things.
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It was actually just taken and turned into the log we have today, except before the feed was part of the normal DO log.
    So unless you lag when you have your log open then this will be no issue for you since all the work will be done client side and not on your computer ...

    VESPID User

    Does that mean that the addition of this idea will not cause glitches and lag?
    If not, how?
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The work is done on DO's side, not yours, all you do is show the text. If you lag because of the text on the ingame log then yes this would cause lag ...
    If you lag because of text on the ingame log you need to buy a new computer and swap from dial-up to broadband.

    As for glitches, I will just jump in a time machine and check for you.

    VESPID User

    Gosh, I thought the point of the forum was to disagree with any idea that may cause Lag, Glitches and or droves of players to leave.
    Are you guys saying that those reasons are not the case???
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The point of this forum is to create healthy discussions, help other players and to announce things to the community.

    Maybe you got your impression of what a forum is since there are very few people who actually like your ideas. You can't accept that.
    Or maybe it's just because literally all you do is post in the update and ideas pool.

    You once said that a direct log in option to the forum would cause "droves of players to leave". I think you are either a massive troll just trying to get your post count up or really are disillusioned, either is quite sad and a shame.

    Now if you 100% believe that a log / kill feed would cause you to lag out, even though all the work is done on DO's side then that's fine. Just don't take it to heart when people do not agree with you and your opinions and argue the opposite case.
    The tough truth is you are not very popular on the forums, most of the forum regulars just don't like you, so people will want to disagree with you regardless.
    cooljak96 likes this.

    VESPID User

    I actually consider myself the bullies bully. As anyone can see, my ideas reflect that notion and thus draws fire from them.

    Shame??? I feel every bit the shame that my targets do for their actions.
    I am so glad the notion of D.O. doing the work to release the ideas they choose to invest in has been outed. Now any forum member reading this post can't really hide behind that notion.
    I understand the raw feelings about me considering the crowd they are, but attacking ideas that assist the ones that need it the most is unforgivable.
    Thank you for assisting me in showing you the

    By the way, D.O. scrapped this idea for whatever reason.
    They have obviously deemed it unneeded.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
  10. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    You mean just like the player count that Rick has said was removed for no reason and would look into it?
  11. Yeh I like this idea sounds nice and it would add some fun into the kill logs so not only you can see but everyone can see :D
  12. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Yeah i like the idea as well..
    My server is dead and would love to see some more action :)
  13. I take it you play on GB2 then :p
  14. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Wish i did, Scandinavia 2, kinda the same i gues :p
  15. yeh they seem about the same :p both have few people on the server let alone the people who actually play :p
  16. So the guy(Vespid *cough*) that makes bad ideas also dislikes good ones? I don't see how this idea would create lag. For those that already have it, what a shame. And for those that don't, this probably wouldn't do anything. I want a kill log that I can copy and paste from without having to go to the homepage and opening the logbook, and then searching for the kill.
    cooljak96 likes this.