Laser Colors

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TheTaser(V), Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. I had this idea on the old forum inside someone else's thread, but I figured it could be publicized a bit more now. These are my ideas for changing the color of lasers to make it more interesting. Let me know what you think.

    For those without all LF3's
    X1 Light red
    X2 Light blue
    X3 Light green
    X4 Light Gray
    SAB Lighter than it is now
    RSB Lighter than it is now

    All LF3's
    X1 True red
    X2 True blue
    X3 True green
    X4 True gray
    SAB Same
    RSB Same

    * To make them more distinguishable, perhaps make the red, blue, and green darker than their true colors. Like the deep green grass(oh so pleasing to the eyes)

    Those without all LF4's
    X1 Light yellow
    X2 Light purple
    X3 Coral(another name for pink/orange)
    X4 Off white
    SAB Black
    RSB Golden

    All LF4's
    X1 True yellow
    X2 True purple
    X3 Darker Coral
    X4 Pure white
    SAB Black
    RSB Golden
    Blah and Omega like this.
  2. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    I'm sorry but no..
    Don't make DO a color book please..

    If only change the color if full lf4, ok, but not to much colors like this :p
  3. Black Sab, wouldn't look right.
  4. The black SAB in my opinion would look like a black hole or something sucking at your ship. Color book lol. Well, just my thought, but you should definitely see a difference in color with the LF4s instead of going back to red, which is a noob color.
    Edit: I guess no one likes my ideas lol...
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2014
  5. I agree 110% with pink x3 (Full LF4) :p

    Also agree with x1 Being yellowish; but x2 should also be yellowish as the 2 have always been the same color. :)
  6. Meh, I would like to be able to tell the difference between which laser someone is using and that is why I came up with this, but thanks for the support.

    The other day, I saw a guy shooting a bk, doing 15k. I thought he was using x2 cause he looked kinda nooby, so I lit him up...he returns fire with 15k, then 30, then 45...turns out he was using x1 lol.
    That's not totally my reason for wanting different colors, but it's one of them.
  7. It wouldn't harm anyone and looks cool.
  8. Oh, these lasers will hurt all right. :p
  9. lol thats no't what i meant :D
    You are funny :p

    I mean't that color change wouldn't hurt anyone, but yeah lasers will. :rolleyes:
  10. I like it, +1
  11. There is liking and there is disliking, but new lasers will just cost BP more time which they never have (because lazy, duh).
    Anyways, the lasers caused alot of FPS issues back when fat lasers alone were added. And you want more colors? Just no, if the game can't handle same graphics it won't even be close to bearing so many other.

    Game's gotta stay how it is for now unless BP finds a way to (finally) upgrade their graphic stuff.
  12. Omega

    Omega User

    +11111 !!!!! 11111 !!!!!
  13. Better go with idea of full LF-3/LF-4 and normal starter color. With your idea almost all players will be shooting above stated color mostly with only 1 LF-4 equiped and your LF-3 idea will be useless. :D
  14. Thanks for input. I don't mind seeing one color a lot because, duh, that's what we've got right now. Oh far as graphics and lag, there will always be people lagging no matter what they do, but BP could do a lot to help(and they're not)
  15. BP is laziest game company. Hell it'd be insult to gaming to associate them with game companies even 'cause they're a marketing company. Not a gaming one. Also, their scripting is crap hence everything lags no matter what. I mean, I play Thief, Titanfall, Warframe etc all on high quality settings for everything. Yet I get only 30-50 fps on DarkOrbit. By luck, sometimes 55.
    Blah, -uberpaul- and TheTaser(V) like this.
  16. Sad... But true :/
  17. Morak

    Morak User

    I don't think this being necessary... Everybody would be confused for few weeks, BP would have to make a lot of changes, lag testing, all that stuff... Some of the colors don't even match up with the type really. They would have to change the texture on the ammo-shop too. (New pictures with different colors). It's a no from me.

    And... I play different, really computer stressing games and I got 60fps on all of them... CODs, BFs, AC4 etc. DO usually runs about 50 or lower on low settings when there are a few peeps and npc's on the screen. Geforce gtx760, i5 3.4ghz processor, 8gb ram and 1tb hdd... It's a beast for me. Built it myself.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  18. Nope, it's definitely not necessary or urgent. But I'd sure love it if they ever got their game together. A lot of stuff in this game wasn't needed, like a contact list, or the friend invites, or LF4s or RSB...ect. I don't see how that's a reason to not like it, but whoever. Ty for feedback.
    Blah likes this.
  19. Improvements and progress still do count. It's just their way of showing they're doing something.
  20. True. Well, I appreciate the given comments guys. Go tell people about my threads lol. Only have three but they're in my sig. Looking forward to further improvements in-game :)