Drone Slot Extenders

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Jan 15, 2014.

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    VESPID User

    The chip I am proposing is such that allows an extra slot to be placed in the drones for the purpose of allowing more extras to be placed in drones without sacrificing the room for the needed items already there.
    There will be 2 kinds.

    The DSLO-1: Allows one extra slot in each drone when added to the extras slot of a ship, the suggested price would be 250K Uri.

    The DSLO-2: Allows two extra slots in each drone when added to the extras slot of a ship, the suggested price would be 500K Uri

    Only one chip per ship.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User


    Would be overpowered as hell.
    The developers have already stated their aims are to reduce the gap between noob players and the UFE, this would make it worse so they will not consider it.

    Please stop with your troll ideas. You are clearly doing this for the post count and nothing else.

    VESPID User

    Whoa!!! calm down dude, I am simply assisting a suggestion on another post regarding just placing extras in the drones!!!

    You have to admit that this would come in handy concerning that suggestion.
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I am completely calm, just asking you to stop the blatant spamming. You deliberately think of a very bad idea then post it to gain post count. You do not post anywhere except the ideas pool.

    You add nothing of value to these forums. You are are troll and nothing else.

    This idea would not come in handy at all.
    .RΞSЇSŦΞNCΞ. likes this.

    VESPID User

    I am simply addressing a suggestion I have seen with options that will make it optimal as possible. Simply put, I am assisting a forum version of an assisting suggestion.

    I don't understand why this idea is being opposed when in the post I took it from your approval was so very plain to see.
  6. As stated in a previous post concerning extras, why do you need more space for extras? We have 2 configurations and a whopping 10 slot cpu. That is plenty of space. Throw the useless cpus out of the window and use what normal people do.
    Here is a list of things you really don't need to use:
    All of the Lab CPUs
    Armory CPUs (laser and rocket space is already full lol.)
    Drone Repair CPU
    Radar CPU
    Jump CPU(If you have the Advanced one. Some use this for escaping fights though)
    Pet Fuel CPU(Keep it stocked on fuel and you won't need a cpu)
    Generator Boost CPU
    Targeting Guidance CPU.(Useful only if you're hunting. For npcs, don't bother)

    As for the others, for example, I use cloak and jump cpu on one config and have the laser and rocket buying cpus on the other.
    This idea is overpriced for one, but for two, unnecessary. We shouldn't be able to have most/all of the CPUs. Use your choosing abilities to decide what you need and don't need.
  7. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    No thanks. Like the others have said above, way overpowered.
  8. Wait a second, is he talking about adding slots on the drones for lasers and shields? Cause I thought he was talking about extras...Clarify please
  9. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I first took it as extras, but then I got confused and thought he meant lasers and shields. Either way, we don't need either one.
    TheTaser(V) likes this.
  10. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Oops, I didn't word this post correctly.
    I printed the word item instead of extras.
    I take fault for the confusion.