Mission 17 Alpha

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =Barclay=, Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. =Barclay=

    =Barclay= User

    Am I understanding this mission correctly? All of those tasks need to be completed in 5 minutes? I know the reward includes an LF-4, but it does not seem possible even with a group. Maybe it's a joke?
  2. Where is this mission i checked all one by one and didnt saw it
  3. whats that mision i carnt see ugettin lf4in eny ove the misions
  4. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    It HAS to be a typo, I know that it is supposed to be hard to get an LF4, but not impossible. They probably meant 5 hours

    And for those wondering what the mission is:

    • Destroy 10 Uber BKs
    • Destroy 10 Uber Devs
    • Destroy 10 Uber Sibs
    • Destroy 20 Annihilators
    • Destroy 20 Bks
      • On 1-7, 3-7
    • Visit 3-8, 1-8
    • Fly to coordinates 100/60
    • Collect 1000 prometium
      • on 1-4, 3-4
    • Collect 1000 endurium
      • 1-4, 3-4
    • Destroy 10 enemy players
    • Visit 3-1, 1-1
      • fly to coordinates 95/60
    • Fly back to mission control on 2-4
    • Complete in under 5:00 :confused:
    (The map locations are different for each company, I am EIC so I would have to fly to other company maps)
    On LF4 for all that:
    Me Think Worth :DD
    But I think a full group would help more in comepleting this in 5 hours. I think they need to stretch the time limit on this :S

    What level quest is that?
  6. probs is a typoas i see other things in the new quest wont say as thay my take themoff but u find what imean if u doin the mision lolillbe leavein gates for a wial lol shame antgot the 50% ep thingmmdame hint
  7. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Its 5 minutes to complete the last part of the mission (Fly back to mission control in x-4 map). NOT to complete the whole mission.

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
    Oracle likes this.
  8. DatDino

    DatDino User

    Pft my egg can do this quest in under 5 mins.
    =Barclay= likes this.
    Any idea what level quest this is?
  10. What level is this quest?
  11. pkomg

    pkomg User

    it's lv 17 quest ( require : complete all quest from 1701 to 1723 )
  12. Wow, perfect. I'm level 17.
    I guess I know what I'll be doing today...
  13. Lol, if that quest had 5 hours to be completed, 5 hours would be enough. like the first section where you kill the NPC's could all be completed in an hour or less, depending on whether you use enemy locator or not. But anyways, glad it hasnt got a timer on it though. :)
  14. does anyone know if u have to do alfa 14,15 and 16 b4 alfa 17 quest unlocks or do i just need all level 17 quests?
  15. Hello =Barclay=

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  16. do u have to do quest from 1701 to 1722to unlock the quest or lf4
  17. Oracle

    Oracle User

    Level 17 quest priority alpha 17.requires of copleting all other level 17 quests to be unlocked as all of the alpha priority quests.


  18. =Barclay=

    =Barclay= User

    So the pilot has 5 minutes from the time he reaches the first enemy x-1 coordinate to get to the second x-1 coordinate and then back to his home x-4 mission control?

    And if this is not accomplished in time all progress on the mission is lost and it must be redone?

    Can close with answer of these assumptions.
    Thank-you to all who replied.
  19. ta m8
  20. Hello =Barclay=

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Its 5minutes to complete the last part where you need fly to NYX or mission control.
    Check the below quote:

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as requested.
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