Notice of New Quest, No Notice of Removal of Completed Quest

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by IRON-THRONE, Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. I noticed this morning that my Rank Points have gone down nearly 13,700 points. After sending a letter to support I went back to my Rank page and noticed the removal of Completed Missions from 137 down to Zero! Is this a Glitch because there was no mention I heard of of them being zeroed out. And if there was a glitch,..will we be getting them back?
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    cooljak96 likes this.
  3. I never saw that
  4. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    You are meant to do all the quests over again and get rank points all over again. If what I see is correct, it looks like you will get even more rank points because of the large amount of quests added.
  5. That's easy to make back, especially with the new quests in place. I've already make back eh amount I lost today, by just completing those quest.
  6. pecanin

    pecanin User

    Do all quests again ?

    Does that mean that we that have done all pvp quests will have to spend all that juicy X 4 & RSB all over again ...

    Hunt the Hunter alone took 100s of thousands of X4

    Not to mention Boosters + 50 % Boosters

    Dream on Big Point and hope that nobody takes you to Court in Germany or Holland

    You might be able to rob users in UK or USA without any compensation .....
  7. Its not like they took away the ep, uri, ammo and other rewards for doin the quest. All they took was 100 rp/quest. Not sure what everyone is cryin about, they took it from everyone so nobody lost a rank because of it. If you dont like DO why do you stick around, go find another game to cry about.
  8. If you accually read what players say instead of always giving negative stupid comments in all your replies you might learn something about the game etc.

    Pecanin I understand and know how you feel like many others and whats next BP will do muck around with ship kills next;).
  9. Thise 100 rp add up together, and for some players, it adds upto over 20k. 20k rp which some worked hard for because of some of the old quest had taken time to complete. Like the 48 hours in enemy X1! So their hard has all been for nothing - which is what's annoying players, not loosing a few rps. Oh and on that note, only like one or 2 higher ranked players may have lost rank, since higher rankers have completed more quest therefor a player beneath them gets the advantage since the gap between the Ranks comes smaller?
  10. I understand they add up, but everyone lost them and what is 25k rps that aint enough to effect your rank so what are you cryin about. You still got all the rewards from the quest so its not like all your hard work was wasted. I've been playin over 4 yrs you dont think I lost a lot of rank points. Its just a game, play or dont play.

    Last edited by moderator: Jan 18, 2014
  11. How would you feel if something you worked hard for, put a-lot of time and effort into, got completely diminished? For e.g. school grades, if you worked hard for 'em and put extra time into revising etc, its likely you'll leave school with excellent grades right? Well say what if they were to take those grades away from you? How would you feel then? ( I know this hasn't got anything to do with the game, but its all i could think of'bout now) :L.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 18, 2014
  12. This is a game, and I'd be willing to bet I lost more rps than you did. Cryin aint gonna change anything, plus you still have all the rewards from those quests except a few rps. Did your rank drop? I doubt it as everyone lost rank points. If you are so unhappy with the game move on play somethin else. But quit cryin about it
  13. You probably did, but then again, i only lost 23k rps. Which is a fair amount ( in my opinion). And no, my rank hasn't dropped, however the gap between the rank below mine and mine has descreased?
    Am not complaining, just trying to explain to you as to why some players are quite annoyed with the loss of Rank points.

    P.S i know this is a game, hence
    ( I know this hasn't got anything to do with the game, but its all i could think of'bout now) :L.
  14. The old quests are gone so they deduct rank points!?!? Around 15k on my account. What's the reasoning behind this? I sometimes wonder just what I've gotten myself into dealing with this game and it's "policies". Very little of what they do makes any sense. Yes I know "the new quests will give you more rank points" bla bla bla carry on...

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Apparently this was done to balance ranks and make things fair for new players which is fine and dandy until they steal hard-earned rank points and the noobs and new players hardly lose any. On top of stealing our rank points and taking our old quests which were better they troll us with complete crap quests, why the heck does anyone need EP and levels when their ship sucks.
    Tarron likes this.
  16. Balancing ? redoing quests fine , but losing 250 and just over 200 new ones does not add up. Agree ep does little. Fly Safe.