big point me deve uri

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by usuariobp, Jan 16, 2014.

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  1. usuariobp

    usuariobp User

    hey hi all, as you know ay Sundays when big shows MEGA HAPPY HOUR point, the point is that the other Sunday came and as I send 100 sms for more uri and is supposed to 900,000 but would not give me big point nothing and yet they charged me the credit is $ 1585, is not just me because I just want to go up normally and not let me just not pay me BIG POINT MI Uridium ... : mad:
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
  2. SMS transactions, I believe, DO NOT cover the MHH or HH. You'll get the default amount, unless you pay by credit card, which will be affected by MHH or HH. (Mega Happy Hour & Happy Hour)
  3. Hello usuariobp

    Thank you KilerStreak for assisting with this thread.

    You have to Payment Support or Contact Support and explain them in detail about your issue for further assistance.

    Closing as OP was directed to support.
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