The clan members limit.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by JŁΣΣ_™†[ĐŇМΞ]†™, Jan 17, 2014.

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  1. Hello,

    My suggestion is about increasing a clans members limit. Currently a clan can only have a maximum of 50 users. Now I personally believe this limit should be increased to either 75 or 100 members...

    Reason being is that although we are maxed at 50 members there are other we would like to join our clan and others that wish to join however, can't make it possible due to the members limit.

    Any feedback ?
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Usually people just make a second clan, but i agree with making it 75 members. However, too many can make it difficult to remember everyone. It wouldn't be a clan, more like a group of people together that you can't remember their names.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I was about to suggest why not just make a 2nd clan and if they don't want to go in that then they are just in it for the clan rank. However then I remembered the CBS and the benefits only the owning clan gains from it.

    If they increased the clan members limit, to say 100 as suggested, then ultimately result one clan would becoming much bigger than the others. This has already happened on most of the big servers.
    Such a big clan has lots a resources to draw upon when defending CBS, I think if there was one main clan per company then the fight for CBS would be much more entertaining (if the issue about how easy it is to kill the hull is sorted first).

    I think doubling the allowed members would be pretty decent.
  4. Well that's the thing... in the past we have had 2nd clans... however they fail due to lack of communication. the most recent we had failed due to. well again lack of communication plus a few other issues... & they do not always work out the way you intended. so increasing the members limit to 75 members at least would be great.

    And with what your saying there about defending CBS... yh i reckon it could make them more interesting... bigger battles over the base station... would be Epic xD
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2014
  5. i think that they should be increased as when a clan is full and wish for more members or new ones wish to join but can't because it full
  6. Good idea, Personally I think that 100 would be too much, however 75 to me sounds pretty good. With 75 members you will be able to add more friends to the clan without making the clan seem like a group.

  7. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I agree with 75 people in a clan, but any more and they would become too powerful. Imagine 100 people guarding the same CBS base in an enemy map.