New Coming Missions

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º, Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. Rofl, I climbed up about 300 spots since the update.
    I was in the 1750s, now in the 1450s :DD
  2. Well I just lock 1.2mil honor which made me lose a lot more points because DO won't fix the lock stealing glitch.
  3. Hello º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  4. Lol well I mean the original question was never answered...
  5. 1.5 months seems enough to finish those quests. As long as you work on it everyday, you can finish those quests.
  6. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    We should be able to keep all open quest until we either finish them or cancel them.

    We will not get the mission points for them, but will still get the other rewards. It would be completely unfair if they cancel open quest unless they give us the completion rewards when they remove them which would be fair.
  7. Right?! at least the old ones give some damn uridium. My 2 1k goli missions give 30k uri, their not scamming me out of that.
  8. @ Thread-Creator;
    I guess U to make this mission completly because later you will not have a chance to get your rewards so do it now.

    I'm also not happy about this information but bigpoint could take another date like 31th December 2014.
  9. Hello º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Please check the below quote:
    "About the mission system: all old missions will be replaced, though old missions that you have active will remain until you abort or complete those missions"

    The above quote was taken from here> Roadmap Update

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  10. I know they said that, but they also said "until march" in another post, so no one has actually clarified which is correct. Could you please find out? Because this 1k mmo goli quest I have is taking forever with the lack of mmo on my server.
  11. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º - From our understanding, if you still have a currently running Quest, then you can complete it as normal until they get around to updating in March (at which point all of the original "Quests" will cease to exist). Suitable quests will be converted into Challenges instead.

    However I will pass this up for a confirmed answer.