ship rank-ups

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by deathlykiller45, Jan 23, 2014.

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  1. the idea is simple some ships can rank-up now:
    Piranhan/a100k credits n/a
    Swarmerself-multiplication in health and shield but not dmg can be used to confuse enemieshades gate and LoW gate completed
    min. lvl 10
    min. rank basic sargent
    this is the best combination of technology to date this ship can make many copies of itself
    vengeancespeed30k uri
    phase-strikerteleportation*,speed100 vengi kills all ahivements related to travel and 300k uri
    min. lvl 12 min. rank Lieutenant

    aegishealing hp+shield250k uri
    deployerabove+can spawn 20 prots at once(own attck dmg lowered when spawning prots)400k uri+100 cube kills 40 falcon kills 360 aegis kills min. rank major
    ulti-engineerabove+turret building and can give an ISH to allies(when using prots or turrets own dmg temp lowered)650k uri 200 cube kills 100 falcon kills 300 deployer kills 50 cbs kills

    citadelhigh defense taking dmg for allies300k uri
    fortressabove+can station itself in 1 place and spawn prots from it450k uri 200 cube kills and 250 deployer kills(yes in your citadel)
    carrierabove plus can hold up to 7 ships including additional hangars850k uri 500 fortress kills 200 ulti-engineer kills 150 falcon kills
    depending on feedback i might make more
    *range of 2000 cooldown 15 mins not affected by boosters

    please be constructive and nice
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    To be completely honest, I have no idea what this idea is. Can you please be more specific?
  3. basicly you can rank-up the piranha and venge and admins can rank-up their police ship

    but what do you think should i add more and are the names nice
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 29, 2014

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Well like cooljak, I don't know what the hell this is and why it's needed, I'm to lazy to read what you typed and can't understand it half the time anyways, why do admins need to rank their ships up when they can set every aspect of their ship exactly as they want it, I can say with certainty that this isn't needed and probably not wanted.
  5. if something special is happening to the admin the government vessel can scan and duplicate it immanently and once you read it tell me what you think
  6. Hes talking about Ship upgrades, Not new designes but just comman extra abeilitys that come with the purchase or you acheive the goal of the upgrade requirements, -Red

    BOSS~ADAM User

    The goals to upgrade some of the ships is ridiculous, the upgrades are ridiculous, it's not like the game needs more damage. I don't even know what the hell you typed, government vessels and what not, that isn't even Darkorbit and I doubt it's needed or wanted.
  8. none of them except the one for admins affect dmg

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Well the rest of them are pointless and expensive.
  10. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Why do the admins need a rank up thing? They can do what ever they want to their ship...
  11. As for as ship rank ups i think lvl and game rank should be taken to acc on giving what bonuses to the ships as for admin ships others have alreasy stated why would they need to upgrade there ships, but given how many times i have seen them in game, they dont play them enough to upgrade them anyhow
  12. ok i will do that and
  13. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Can we please just get rid of the admin ship thing. It's pointless as they don't need an upgrade at all, since they can do whatever they want.
  14. oh i didnt know that anyways ok

    and 1 more thing should i make more

    i think ill make more
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 31, 2014
  15. Noooo all ships and ship designs are absolutely fine atm
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
  16. not everyone thinks that
  17. well i would think that the majority of people would think that
  18. i wont argue with you cuz it waste my brain cells
  19. I completely understand where this is going, but DarkOrbit is just not for this. Games like EVEOnline or Battlestar Galactica are more appropriate for this type of thing, not DarkOrbit.
  20. Rank up their police ship....???

    No on idea... The requirements are just over kill.