Death Battle! Aegis vs Citadel

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by sirpwnsalot34, Jan 20, 2014.

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  1. The battle of the new ships to determine who's best!

    Aegis Elite vs Citadel Elite

    A "bit" information that you might need to know first:
    All these battles is with both ships using Full Havoc, all Level 16 LF4s, 1 Damage Booster, 1 Shield Booster, 1 Hp Booster, all Level 16 B02s, all 10 Level 16 Drones, Hellstorm Launcher with Hellstorm Rockets, PLT 3030s, x4, x6, 1 Battle Repair Bot, 1 Backup Shield, 1 Energy Leech, all viable ship abilities in combat, max Pilot Bio, Seprom, Premium, Normal Drone Formation.

    This is assuming all shots hit and do maximum damage.

    This is assuming both ships are on battle configs.

    The formula for the amount of damage an LF4 on drones can cause with a 5% damage design is: 200x1.6x1.12x1.06x1.06x(1.1^4)x1.05. The explanation for this is that, 200 is the base damage of an LF4, 1.6 is the Seprom, 1.12 is Bounty Hunter, the two 1.06s are the Item Upgrading on the Drones and LF4, the four 1.1s are the Havoc Drone designs, Full Havoc bonus, Damage Booster, Level 6 Drone, the 1.05 is the 5% damage boost from the design. The damage an LF4 using x1 in this case would be 618.

    The damage an LF4 using x1 on a Drone would do is 618 divided by 1.05 or 589.

    The damage of an LF4 on a ship with a 5% Damage Design is: 200x1.6x1.12x1.06x(1.1^2)x1.05. The explanation for this is that, 200 is the base damage of an LF4, 1.6 is the Seprom, 1.12 is Bounty Hunter, 1.06 is the 6% damage bonus for Level 16 lasers, the two 1.1s are the Full Havoc bonus and the Damage Booster, and of course the 1.05 is the extra 5% from the design. The damage of an LF4 on a ship using x1 with a 5% damage design would be: 482.

    The damage of an LF4 on ship using x1 without a damage design would be 482 divided by 1.05 or 459.

    The damage of Hellstorm+Rockets on a damage design would be: [3028+(6000x1.6x1.15)]x1.1x1.05. The 3028 is the base Hellstorm DPS because it takes 7 seconds (5 for loading, 2 for cooldown) to complete a full Hellstorm cycle and 6% more damage for level 16, so the DPS of a Hellstorm rocket launcher would be 21200 (damage of 5 Hellstorm Rockets) divided by 7 or 3028. 6000 is the base damage of a PLT 3030, 1.6 is Seprom, 1.15 is Rocket Fusion, 1.1 is the damage booster, 1.05 is the damage design. All together it would add up to 16222.

    Without the damage design the combined rocket damage would be 15450.

    The formula for total DPS with x6 is 0.75a+(1.5a/4)+r. a is the DPS dealt by your ship with x4, r is the DPS of rockets and Hellstorms.

    The formula for damage done to enemy without shields is a-0.1b where a is the total DPS of Ship A, b is the maximum DPS of Ship B and 0.1 is the 10% of Energy Leech.

    When Ship B still has shields left, the formula for damage done to Shields is 0.92a where a is the DPS of Ship A and b is the total DPS of Ship B. The missing 0.08 is the amount of damage that wasn't absorbed by shields, it is assumed that all the damage that wasn't absorbed by the shields were repaired with Energy Leech.

    The Shieldpower of a Bo2 on the ship with a shield design would be 10000x1.25x1.25x1.4x1.15x1.1. The two 1.25s are Shield Engineering and Shield Booster, 1.4 is Seprom, 1.15 is Item Upgrading, 1.1 is the Shield design. All that would add up to 27672 shield points on each generator.

    The shield power of a Bo2 on a ship without a shield design would be 25156.

    Battle Repair Bot and Backup Shields add a total amount of 175000 Shields and HP.

    The formula for total DPS of a ship fighting a spectrumming Spectrum is (a/5)+r where a is total x4 and x6 DPS and r is Rocket+Hellstorm damage.

    The formula for DPS of a ship fighting a Sentinel using Fortress is 0.7a, where a is the total DPS of your ship.

    If a Citadel uses Fortify the enemy takes 2 seconds longer to kill it because it is assumed that the enemy takes 4 seconds to react and run away (your all piloting pretty slow ships). If the enemy can't run away then the Citadel would get the full benefits of Fortify (10 seconds) therefore making the other ship take 5 seconds longer to kill the Citadel, ex. when Aegis uses a Repair Pod.

    The formula for DPS while using a Diminisher using Shield Leech is a*0.5+b, where a is maximum the DPS of your ship and b is the DPS of your ship after damage reducers such as Energy Leech. Only works if enemy still has shields.

    IDK about Venom.


    Citadel HP+Shields: 660000+(25156x20)+175000=1338120
    (25156x20) is the shieldpower, 660000 is the HP, 175000 is Battle Repair Bot+Backup shields.

    Citadel Max DPS: {[(618x20)+(482x7)]x4x0.75}+16222+{[(618x20)+(482x7)]x1.5=87025

    {[(618x20)+(482x7)]x4x0.75 is DPS from x4, 16222 is DPS from rockets+Hellstorm, {[(618x20)+(482x7)]x1.5 is DPS from x6.

    Vs Shields+Energy Leech:80063

    Vs Hull+Energy Leech:77672

    Aegis Elite health+shields: (25156x15)+357550+175000+(14x20000)+(4x15000)=1249880

    (25156x15) is the total amount of shields the Aegis has, 357550 is the Aegis' maximum health with a 10% HP Booster, 175000 is Battle Repair Bot+Backup Shield, (14x20000) is the extended Repair Pod from Elite design, (4x15000) is the shortened Aegis shield repair ability from Elite design.

    Aegis Elite Max DPS: [(618x20)+(482x10)]x0.75x4+(16222)+{[(618x20)+(482x10)]x1.5}=93532

    Aegis Elite DPS vs Shields+Energy Leech: (136311x0.92)=86049

    Aegis DPS vs Energy Leech: 84830

    The Battle!

    The Aegis has a total amount of 512475 shields. It would take the Citadel 6.4 seconds to destroy them.

    The Aegis has 737500 HP. It would take the Citadel 9.5 seconds to destroy them.

    The Citadel has 578120 total shields. It would take the Aegis 6.85 seconds to destroy them.

    The Citadel has 760000 HP. It would take the Aegis 8.96 seconds to destroy them.

    The Aegis took 15.81 seconds to destroy the Citadel.

    The Citadel took 15.9 seconds to destroy the Aegis.

    The Citadel uses Fortify, the Aegis now takes 20.81 seconds to destroy the Citadel.

    Winner: Citadel

    Aegis Elite vs Citadel Elite


    Hellseeker685~suggesting the ships for this battle.

    Me~coming up with the formulas and typing this post out.

    My Calculator~calculating the stats of each ship and the outcome of the battle.

    My Computer~making it possible to type this post.

    Telus~making it possible for you guys to view my typed post.

    ScrewAttack~for inspiring me to do this and for the name "Death Battle"
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
    Oracle likes this.
  2. ty this is apprecited
    as many people think that citadel is a crap :p
    it will tell that its not bad ship
    sirpwnsalot34 likes this.
  3. You didn't count into effect EMPs and the aegis running away:p The issue with the citadel is that it's slow. I prefer aegis anyway, because with cooldown boosters, I can use the abilities up to 4 times in one fight.
  4. Both ships uses an EMP, they both take 2 seconds longer to kill each other. Happy? :p
  5. No. What I'm saying is you're not taking into account battle tactics. The aegis can weave around the citadel and avoid being locked a bit longer than the citadel can with the aegis. The cit is not a great hunting ship even with your calculations, I believe the aegis can beat it with tactics. This was a blind test fight and the cit won simply because it has abominable hp lol.
  6. Dude, the Citadel is only 10 speed slower
  7. What I'm saying is that the citadel is not that great of a pvp ship even with your calculations. It does less damage and cannot repair itself like the aegis can. In my opinion, the vengeance is better than the goliath for hunting even though all facts point to the goliath as being better. It's really the guy piloting the ship as to who wins the fight. Same with aegis and cit. The facts were nice to go through, but in the end, I'll stick with the aegis:cool:
    BallistikD likes this.
  8. LOL, I would watch em both fight and Venom the winner :cool:
    ═╝ĀTØM╔═ likes this.
  9. burkey

    burkey User

    One problem, you said they both have "Normal" drone design but then put your havoc to the power of four equation in.... ?

    Do they have "Normal Drone Design" or havocs...?


    even though the calculation is mostly incorrect the result is correct. After all the aegis is supposed to be a support ship in group battles and the citadel is the biggest tank there is (therefore it's low speed).
    Even though Darkorbit (in my opinion) overpowered the aegis, I'm still glad a citadel would be able to take down an aegis in a straight up 1v1.
    In an open battle the aegis could most likely win if it stays out of range every now and then during the battle in order to use it's abilities multiple times.
  11. Oops, it was suppose to say normal drone FORMATION. Thanks for pointing it out.

    Can you please tell me what's incorrect about my calculations so that I can fix them?
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 23, 2014
    burkey likes this.
  12. burkey

    burkey User

    No worries, was a joy to read still

    How about old school FE Goli (8 iris, LF3, no upgrades) versus UFE Phoenix (10 drones, level 16, all LF4 plus havocs)... ?
  13. Ok. Old School fe means no Pilot Points right?
  14. burkey

    burkey User

    Erm, good point lol... I cannot remember when the Bio came out!
  15. I started in 2012 so I wouldn't know either.
  16. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    Old school fe doesn't include Bio :p
  17. burkey

    burkey User

    Oh, I shall stop calling myself old school FE then as my bio almost full ;D
  18. Good effort on the thread, but sadly it is flawed.

    Ships can have 2 different configs, not 1 or not 2 battle configs (full lasers on ship) - your calculation does not take this into effect.

    Nor have you taken into effect the use of Instant Shields, Smart Bombs or EMPs & at which point they are used.

    There is also the Enegy Leech, which would be a lot more effective then the Battle Repair Bot for the Aegis due to it having more lasers & causing more overall damage.


    the LF-4 calculation is correct! Great job, I give you credit on that.
    Even though I only red your entire post once and re-red some parts a 2nd time I found the following missing or incorrect.
    -Hellstorms are not affected by rocket fusion.
    -The citadel can hold 2 hellstorm launchers, this enables it to shoot 20 hellstorm rockets in the example fight you posted (while the aegis would shoot either 10-15). This gives the citadel even greater chances to win the fight if both would use soccer hellstorms.
    -Maybe you wanted to consider only 1 config for both ships, in case you didn't...the citadel would have another 5 shields more then the aegis on the 2nd config (if these '1v1 rules' contain 2 slow sides. If that is not the case in a 1v1 people would probably run shields on drones, but that would make the whole calculation much harder and I can totally understand if you only wanted to consider 1 configuration.
    -RSB cool down is 3 seconds
    -There is no shield design for the aegis nor the citadel.
    -if the citadel uses the elite design the fortify ability lasts 7,5 seconds, if not 10.
    -Repair pod lasts 14 seconds on the elite design, 9 if designless.
    -A huge problem for the aegis is that B-rep bot, direct HP repair and the repair pod all only repair HP and repping the HP while still having shields is useless. MAINLY if only one config is used once the aegis's shields are gone, the aegis won't be able to use to get the whole HP from it's abilities as it will die while the abilities are going.

    I probably exagerates saying there are many calculating issues. Good post, keep it up ;)