We Need HELP!!! Someone Hacking Account

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Lev_, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. Lev_

    Lev_ User

    Our leader's account has been hacked. He sent in a support ticket and is not getting response. We have sat here with him helpless while things disappeared from his ship and his ship changed and he keeps having to reconnect trying not to be completely locked out of his account. He contacted a CM in global and then they disappeared and never responded more- meanwhile the person hacking the account was in global making comments as he was doing it... conveniently the CM disappeared for that... but I copied the global chat and will post it here below...

    I had to copy global two different times to get as much of it as possible, so some of it might be duplicated. The fact is- is also running the account and he made comments as he hacked our leader's account- He admitted it in global.

    We are in BloodBath and Beyond in Global America 5

    Chat logs removed as no name in forums


    I am posting this to help Niox, he needs help! He is requesting support to get an ip trace and all logs pertaining to the last 24 hrs of gameplay. Seriously, I am a new player to this game, and find this a very worrisome situation! I would hope that accounts being hacked would be considered a serious matter by the owners and operators of this game! People buy things in this game, and their info is saved if they don't have it deleted. A hacked account can be more than just losing some game stuff. The hacker can use the bank info. This is NOT cool!

    Is there any support here? Please help!
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 28, 2014
  2. Support: This is very serious. NIOX is a top 5 player on our server, and helps bring many new players (who often pay for items) to the game. Should his account NOT be recovered, several things will happen.

    1. NIOX plays (and pays) regularly. The hacker deleted all of his equipment and ships, and thus made it VERY clear that he was not looking to advance the account and certainly not to pay. It's a total loss for everyone if it's gone.

    2. The clan is shaken up by this - a permanent loss to NIOX's account would essentially guarantee that none of the paying players in his clan (and there are a lot of us) would ever pay OR trust the company again. Essentially, all the people friendly to and supporting bigpoint would switch over to telling people not to trust y'all and never paying. One player (-Solana63-) even mentioned considering deleting her account while this was happening. Restoring the account would restore trust in Bp's ability to protect dedicated players from hackers, while not restoring the account would massively reduce both our trust, and our attitude towards Bp.

    3. If his account is not returned, I'd go so far as to swear on my life I'll never pay for this game again. If you can't protect him, you can't protect me, and my money wouldn't be secure anyways. I'm also fairly sure many of BB (his clan) feel the same.

    I can go on, but I think the point is clear. Restore NIOX, or your reputation is mud in many, many eyes. Sincerely hope you all do the right thing.

  3. OMG
    I am so sorry to hear that D:
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 28, 2014

    BOSS~ADAM User

    To bad for you and the person who lost their account and your clan, support barley ever returns hacked accounts and you'll never see that missing equipment again and no one on forums can do anything, contact support so they can tell you the same thing.

    Best of luck recovering the account and everything sold from it but I doubt it will ever be returned.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  5. How did the guy know his username and password to the other guys account becos no1 runs bots or scripts anymorre?
  6. We don't know - Niox had actually changed his password this week, so there's no way the hacker could have known it above-board. Niox has good security on his PC, and doesn't have anything connected to his account. There's likely a flaw in BP's servers the hacker exploited. Which is part of why we want it recovered - niox practiced good security, and having something like this happen is a failure on the part of bigpoint.

    A note to replying admins:

    See how people have responded? You have a reputation of not caring about players. I can tell you've been trying to change that recently, with good updates, bans for botters, and better conditions in general. But if none of that is safe, why even bother? This is a chance to show players that the philosophy you operate on has changed, that your response to your failures is no longer "too bad for you", but "we can help you out". I have hope you'll see this through. Don't disappoint us.
    chixonator and KilerStreak like this.
  7. Amen bro
    Support can learn a lot from people like you
    chixonator and HŷЮдUŁ!ж like this.
  8. .Šuяaj.

    .Šuяaj. User

    OMG that is so sad :(
    Damn psychopath hacker :mad:
    I feel so insecure now! What if im next...

    Things have changed.People think that using external programs such as bots and autolocks are the only reasons why accounts get hacked. NO YOU ARE TOTALLY WRONG!

    If you consider that those are the only ways of getting hacked then I would say YOU ARE IGNORANT ABOUT THE WORLD OF INTERNET !!!

    Hope BP treats their player base respectfully.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Wow respect is a bad word in the BP universe, this thread will likely be closed and deleted and you won't get your account back, maybe you will but they'd never refund what you lost.
  10. Wow that's straight up wrong, Support needs to think and fix this kind of crap. People say "hacking an account isn't possible" but trust me it is, especially with BP's terrible gateways, they have absolutely no protection.
  11. Listen.. Target was hacked and millions of peoples info was taken. The department of defence in USA was breached via hackers thousands of classified documents stolen.

    Anyone who thinks this game is not hackable is just not all their if ya know what I mean.

    Dark Orbit has often simply taken the easy route and told a player they must have shared their info with a friend or bot company, where this is not always the case.

    I think it Dark Orbits responsibility to check and verify such issues. People spend real money here and all are not culprits when it comes to issues such as this one.

    just sayin'

    PS: sorry to the OP that this has happened. I truly hope your situation is resolved in a professional way. Yes that was a bit of a dig :rolleyes:

    Peace :cool:

    "Arrogance and Attitude are no match for Experience"
  12. there not saying its not hackable there saying your accounts aint hacked cos there its no breaking from there end that's why they says its got to be you 2 blame
  13. .Šuяaj.

    .Šuяaj. User

    There are millions of links out there which can get you hacked!! So,you mean to say just don't browse the Internet for any sort of reason.. That's pretty lame..

    I say it was just his bad luck.Not his fault(If and only if he has not used even a single external program) at all
  14. I hope BP gives the guy his account back or at the least refund his money. I believe that he is entitled to sue BigPoint for 1.) Lack of protection and 2.) Not refunding "stolen" money.
  15. information is useless knowing what to do with it is power yeah there is links that can get you hacked but if you look at everyone that says they have bin hacked it by other players of the game useless to anyone else but from what i have seen over the year that account is long gone you wont get you're stuff back support will just blame u
  16. some of you guys are so funny sue big-point 4 stole goods and lack of protection hahah 1 go to the cops and get a crime number email it 2 support someone hacking an account has nothing to do with big-point unless they go into big-points systems and as you can see its just random people getting hacked not a mass so that's out the window so. (blame the player) all you will get back as a reply
  17. You can still sue BP, especially with how USA is now...
    You can sue for what-ever-the-heck ya want
    Just like some guy did who sued Kroger a million bucks for not having eggs and he won.
    ►ŹőŘќΣίℓ◄ likes this.
  18. Or like how people sue for drinks being "too hot" when warnings are on them.
    KilerStreak likes this.
  19. .D1™

    .D1™ User

    One the persons account security is there responsability as per TOS, two the persons account who is allegedly compromised should be the one talking not a clan mate. Once a letter to support is made, there is nothing that can be done in the forums.

    Being as this happened yesterday, Sunday, all offices were closed and responses are often delayed to tickets.

    Not taking sides here with anyone or saying what may/may not have happened is right. Just stating facts. My feeling is that when a forum mod/smod/ or Board Admin sees that there is a support ticket in, this thread will probably be closed.
  20. We all know everything you said, but he wanted something to be done, and noobs like you coming in here "their security is their responsibility" that crap is reasons why people can't get help because you make it sound like they gave out their info, even if it isn't your intention, so sthu....
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