Goliath and Vengeance Enforcer and Bastion redesign

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by løṉεώølƒ, Jan 27, 2014.

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  1. Hey,

    I personally think the designs have been out for too long now, they already got boring, the enforcer is just a black ship with flames... I suggest a redesign for bastion and enforcer, something new and futuristic, What about a different design for enforcer depending on your company, a design made of green triangles forming a futuristic enforcer design [neongreen] for vru, something more suitable to the atmosphere of Darkorbit. Something with Red squares full of lines for mmo...etc. What i am trying to say is that, if any of you remember the ship's graphic update, it was a very big update with amazing futuristic ships, i would like that to the designs.

    I am open to new ideas, no need to be mean this is an idea and is not definite, hope you liked it.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014
    VESPID likes this.

    VESPID User

    Hell yea!!!
    I would only like to make the suggestion of the look be further open to the look of say the Venom shape or any other ability design shapes be an option.

    Just to be clear, I'm only suggesting the shapes of those designs not the abilities.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014
  3. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I agree that the designs need to be updated, as they look outdated. Maybe some brighter colors?

    BOSS~ADAM User

    I like the look of the current Goli and Vengi design's, new designs in general would be nice though.
  5. The ability of the enforcer and bastion would stay the same (5% damage, 10% shields) the only thing that would change is the design of the ship, maybe the goliath itself would change like the designs with special abilities do to the goliath ( spectrum, lightning,etc..) I would like to upload a sketch of an enforcer goliath but i am not sure if i am going to have time to do that today.
  6. if any golis need redigned its the normal one, and the crimson design coz they are just plain boring, and even the specail orange green and blue design have do not taken hint of this they rubbish designs so redign them ,, maybe even back to the way the old blue goli used to look.

    VESPID User

    I like the idea of company colored versions of the ability design to be made available without the abilities. Just the skins would suffice concerning variety in my opinion.
  8. What about the honor and experience designs too, they are simple and boring too now.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    No point to this sense no one buys the current company themed designs, I wouldn't be to thrilled about redesigning the current Goli and Vengi designs because they look fine and if they were redesigned then DO would destroy them.
  10. The company themed designs sucks, its just a normal goliath but its blue green or red, sucks. What they should redesign is the enforcer , bastion , exp and honor designs as they already look old and boring
    BДRON™1NASTY likes this.
  11. Yeh I would like this and I would also like it if they had more graphics in them as well but a certain +1 for me :)
  12. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Well yea the company design for the regular looking goli sucks big time, "I have never been a fan of the regular Goli ship!!!" they would probably look better on other skins!!!
    I am proposing the color and boosting designs "dmg, shields, xp..." be offered with the skins of the Venom, Spectrum, Solace, Sentinel or the Diminisher without the design abilities.
  13. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Yeah, designs are lil bit old looking, update the colors a bit and it will be much better :D
    +1 from me :)
  14. Nonononono
    I really love the EXP design with its glowy white color! I don't want it changed D:
  15. Just throw some florescent lights on the designs and there you go.
    BДRON™1NASTY likes this.
  16. Florescent lights, spikes , more lasers in the ship design [ i mean the ones you actually see in the goliath , maybe some rockets too in the bottom idk, something futuristic and atleast a bit more realistic.
  17. It doesnt really glow that much but i never use it because i have goal design etc that gives the same as veteran so im not too bothered :D
  18. Guys, what about an enforcer and bastion design that completely changes the ship just like the venom, diminisher, etc...
  19. Really like this idea!
  20. Well, we have 5 designs that completely change the ship, but I guess more wouldn't matter. I do have to say though, a vengi in the honor design with havocs looks epic.