Move Scormaggedon to the B-maps only

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by sirpwnsalot34, Jan 31, 2014.

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  1. Edit: Title is now changed to: Move Scoremageddon to all Battle Maps (except for 4-5)

    So you have just registered for a game called Darkorbit a month ago. You see a pop-up that says it is now Scoremageddon. You think, "whatever, this won't concern me", as the game loads. When the game finishes loading you see enemy ufes all over your x-2, x-3 or x-4. You can't go anywhere or do anything without getting instantly killed by someone camping the portal.

    Does this sound like you in Scoremaggedon? If so then it might be of best interest to continue reading.

    Don't get me wrong, Scoremaggedon is a very good event, but its just not for everyone. Why should this game be unplayable for everyone below ufe when this event happens? To fix this I'm proposing the idea of moving Scoremaggedon to 4-4 only. There are many benefits to this.

    Now that you've seen what Scoremaggedon is for a noob (or at least me), it's time to view it as a ufe.

    You have been playing this game for over 5 years now. You don't know why or how you gave Bigpoint over $1000 but oh well. You see that Scoremaggedon is happening and you decide to participate for the rewards. When you've finally made it to the enemy's x-2 you see a bunch of noobs in Bigboys and Nostromos. You fly over and pop some of them while the rest fly back to the portal. You then wait there for someone to fly out of the demilitarized zone. As soon as someone would fly out of the demilitarized zone you would instantly destroy their ship. You do this for a couple more hours until the event ends, being bored the entire time.

    Now if this event were to be exclusive to all Battle Maps (except for 4-5) then only the people who wanna participate would participate, making it so that ufes actually have to destroy other ufes to get points which will then make fights more fun (popping noobs all day like you would pop Streuners isn't very fun). It would also make it so that the best fighter wins, not the best noob-killer. Last but not least, anyone that's under ufe can acually do things on Scoremaggedon now.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
    **Redmaus** likes this.
  2. SauronL

    SauronL User

    That looks as a good idea for new event , but sm is sm , event is just for two or three hours , if you really dont like it , you can logout and do not get pops.
    Its named score "maggedon" - that sounds as something big , not just 4-4
    4-4 fights will lag very well , and for example this map can dominate one company , for example VRU will sit at all ports , so make changes , all battle maps will be better, but still not good ..... :/
    sirpwnsalot34 likes this.
  3. How about no? it's a PvP game, grow up. Don't like it? Don't play the game. Moving it to a single map means this.

    Only cheats get points.
    Only major spenders get point.
    Those with neither but have skill get SOME points.
    Those with nothing but want to try, just repeatedly die for nothing.

    Again, don't like it, leave, no one wants to see noobs crying because they can't stand a PvP event, in a PvP GAME! As SayronL said, the name itself sounds like something big, not some miniature battle. You get 5 free repairs, until you are out of the event, it lasts, what 2-3 hours? Don't play the game at the time, avoid the maps, box your life away in x-1 and stop crying.
    sirpwnsalot34 likes this.
  4. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Its your idea , lets check how many peoples will like it

  5. Only cheats get points.

    Of course cheaters are gonna win, they win at everything.
    Only major spenders get point.

    If they're not gonna win, then why would they spend money?
    Those with neither but have skill get SOME points.

    Lol, you just contradicted your previous points above and helped my idea.
    Those with nothing but want to try, just repeatedly die for nothing.

    Isn't that just Darkorbit in a nutshell?
    Again, don't like it, leave, no one wants to see noobs crying because they can't stand a PvP event, in a PvP GAME! As SayronL said, the name itself sounds like something big, not some miniature battle. You get 5 free repairs, until you are out of the event, it lasts, what 2-3 hours? Don't play the game at the time, avoid the maps, box your life away in x-1 and stop crying.

    So basically what you said in the above paragraph is that: I'm a crying noob and I should just box in 1-1 forever. And if Scoremageddon was moved to 4-4, somehow it will be no longer a PvP event but just a miniature battle. What?

    Weak man, just weak.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  6. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Yes thats really bad , but what you can do with that? Just let your pet collecting cargos
  7. Umm don't you have to shoot the ball and pop enemies?
  8. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I guess the point being missed ( in my cynical view ) is that the Scormaggedon is designed to encourage WW to hunt and pop all the free players. So the WW spend more on consumables and the free player play less / stop playing or start spending.
    Why would DO restrict the event to the BMP'S accepting that those maps were originally named battle maps for a reason.
    One day I'll wake up and the game will be back to the great game with a cult following that it once was. I guess that is wishful thinking.:(
  9. SauronL

    SauronL User

    if you getting 30 spins per cargo and your company not grabing ball , just collecting , when own company got ball - shooting ball and collecting

    About scoremagedon - no more lag map please
    But all 4 battle maps for score sounds good
  10. Sorry can't change title.
  11. No its a pvp game and if you don't like then its fine because all of us had to go through that some time but the quicker you get better the longer you can last and the better you can get. Also putting scoreme in 4-4 would just make it turn into spaceball.
  12. BAd idea we have space ball for that -1 for me
    plaku likes this.
  13. How would this turn it into Spaceball?

    Plus it would make the event more enjoyable.
  14. because in space ball all players can fight each other in 4'4 only . but in scoremagedon u can fight anywhere u want to, if u put the scoremagedon no1 will go there apart of ufe players so wont have any random fights full stop
    think of consequenses b4 u suggest something .
  15. Exactly, that way ufes actually have to kill people who are just as strong as them, making the fights more interesting.
  16. So you want me, a legit not cheat non uri buy, to go fight the UFE botted ships of um... 300 plus numbers, and just die to their auto locks seeing as they all in groups with their hacking clan mates? Um no, your idea is crap, toss it, VESPID makes better ideas then you already... and he made a lot of mistakes, please exit the forums in shame...
    SS_HELIOS likes this.
  17. I compete and place in top 50 in score and I am nowhere near UFE so this idea would prevent that from ever happening. The event only lasts three hours or until you have no hearts. Take a break if you don't want to pop.
  18. Right, because everyone who's stronger than you is a botter...
  19. you dont understand there can be another event for UFE and that is not scoremagedon , im not even close to ufe but i can i love playing it i still have a chance to sneak around and get some kills and be in top 50 to get 10 k uri
    if this is 4-4 i wont stand a chance
  20. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    How can you possible say " all of us had to go through that some time "?

    DarkOrbit in it's hay days, before Bio:-

    FE was achievable in a few months of game play for even a free player that wanted to achieve FE.

    Anyone that started playing back before the introduction of Bio, joined a game with a massive cult following and community spirit in the most part ( there is always the exceptions to the norm ) which gave the top spenders a reasonable advantage as they could have premium, double boosters, rebate, bb doubler, could do as many gates as they had time to do, so had unlimited x4 and could have all other elite consumables continuously.

    Achieving a 1 star or 2 star badge rank was also possible within a few months of starting out with well calculated game play ( making best use of earned uri ), tactics, and skill.
    I know, I made 1star Tu rank 280 in less than 6 months and was 2 star within 9 months, premium only ( well I did buy the orange goli for the sell drone and a total of £7.50 uri.)

    Also a skilled FE player with no boosters could get away with not being killed by all but the best skilled players.

    That was with 3 or more time as many regular active (players adding EP ) players.

    These days it is not remotely possible for the average spender,let alone a free player to even get close to UFE in a few years of regular game play.

    The average player that starts playing DO today will realise they have no chance what so ever of get anywhere in the game.

    Even when they get an FE ship with a reasonable amount of Bio they will still be just easy kills for even half UFE ships.

    Putting Scormaggedon in 4-4 would at least divert the UFE from 1 shot killing newbies, but I guess it is very unlike to happen as I said before,
    "I guess the point being missed ( in my cynical view ) is that the Scormaggedon is designed to encourage WW to hunt and pop all the free players. So the WW spend more on consumables and the free player play less / stop playing or start spending."