Title:System Lord ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SkY.NeT.pHIL.2, Feb 3, 2014.

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  1. ah i saw a BK with a title "System Lord" and got curious and when i popped it the "System Lord" tranfered to me what is sysmtem lord and what is its purpose ?
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It's just for show, you don't really get anything for it as such. When you die, whoever kills you will get the title since it isn't a permanent title like the ones you gain from achievements.

    If you want to see what the other non-permanent titles are you can see them if you go to Hall of Fame > Title Overiew (drop down menu).
    If you hold it for long enough you will get your name on the hall of fame as one of the people who held it for the longest.
  3. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Thank you Okapi for your completely correct answer :). There are 2 types of titles in the game. Achievement titles for completing achievements that you always keep and PvP titles that you can lose by getting popped.

    Personally I dump the non permanent titles on an Uber Kristallon at the first opportunity whenever I get them and then announce it in chat ;)

    Anything further?
  4. Keep it! It is a very good title (in my opinion) just as long as your ship isn't destroyed you will keep it!
  5. ROFL
    That's what I always do!!!
    I got that #1 title, "Master of the Orbit" or something from a UFE goli that was soloing series of cubes without repping. Then I got it and got a brilliant idea of "giving" it to a UBK XDXD
    I found one and got poped by it. When I went back, I see the same UFE guy trying to pop the ubk to get it back, but can't XDXD
  6. Enjoy the game.

    Closing as lack of response from OP.
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