Pets and Palla

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -KingKendrick-, Feb 8, 2014.

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  1. I know that ship speed affects how fast pet collects palla (vengi pets collect faster than goli pets) but does pet lvl also affect how fast my pet collects palla? because i have a lvl 12 pet and other lvl 15 pets always collect palla over mine, even though i have 9 lvl 3 radars -_-
  2. Radars will do nothing to help collect faster, neither will your pet lvl. I am in my vengie and golis and citadel pets out running mine. DO just doesn't know how to make things work right :D
  3. You can't make your pet collect any faster but you can increase its base speed and the range which it can go.
  4. That makes no sense, how can a citadel pet collect over a vengi pet. The vengi pet would get to the palla first and start collecting before the citadel pet gets there -_-
  5. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    A possible answer is that the PETs move at the same speed of the ship when the ship is flying around. But when the ship is AFK, it has a set speed. Just a thought.

    Still doesn't explain how it collects at the same speed as the other PETs when you are flying around collecting yourself.
  6. Yeah i was collecting for 3 days gettign gates for yesterday, and goli and citadel pets always seemed to outrun mine. must be the speed hacks DO denies :rolleyes:
  7. Hello -KingKendrick-

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    The P.E.T which reaches first for the palladium will eventually pick that up. Also your P.E.T will not pick up the palladium every time if it reaches to it after someone's P.E.T already collected it. I would suggest you to find a spot where there are less number of ships, so there is less competition amongst P.E.T for collecting palladium.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  8. Thanks for the answers, thought radars made pet collect faster but guess not lol, wasted over 300k on that crap. And yeah you can close now no further questions
  9. radar PROTOCOLS ... ARE NOT CRAP by any way

    they help ur pet get smarter .. move better ... go farther away of u
    all these affect the effectivenes of collection of pet in a great way
    i use mine pet with 11 radars right now (only lvl3 gear) & pet has been transformed almost to a 2nt player that collects bonus boxes for me
    before these 11 radar protocols .. even when i had 5 radar protocols the pet was a total idiot that was just following me
    RADARS ARE AWESOM for pet efficiency my friend

    plz do not give wrong information to new players that try to find how to use their pet
  10. Hello -KingKendrick-

    Radar protocol will only increase the range of you P.E.T it won't affect the speed.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as requested.
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