Premium Perks (Things that would make me want to buy a premium account)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GreenandGrey, Feb 12, 2014.

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  1. 1.) Queue various simple tasks such as skylab and Tech center
    2.) Save, apply and delete ship configurations to quickly move equipment from one ship to another in the hangar
    3.) 12:1 palladium exchange for galaxy gate energy
    4.) Migrate player character from one server to another. One time use or limited frequency. (unfeasible? )

    Rank points will have to be adjusted for #4. Perhaps one solution would be to increase or decrease the players rank based on the ratio of total rank points of all players on server 1 compared to server 2, with a slight loss (10% ?) to prevent abuse.

    Comment, like, discuss, and deliberate. Feel free to suggest more if there are things you've wanted. I will consider them and add them to the list
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2014
    Echo.Leader[GB2] likes this.
  2. 1.) Stop being lazy and do it yourself.
    2.) Stop being lazy and do it yourself.
    3.) That won't ever happen, so stop.
  3. No you stop being lazy and refine your raw materials manually :p

    Why won't server changes ever happen? With the servers being less and less populated these days merging would be beneficial...

    VESPID User

    I like #3 but I'll be back in a few to offer all the ideas I'd like to see added.
  5. Like these ideas!
    GreenandGrey likes this.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Server merges wouldn't be beneficial, some players have accounts on multiple servers, the simple fact remains that one day the servers would be over-crowded and they'd have to make more, it's pointless to merge servers then have to re-make one's you've deleted. The second idea is alright, the first seems pointless to me.

    VESPID User

    Some perks I think may be cool would be:

    Max damage for weapons.
    Drone invisibility
    x5 Uri bonus "per npc kill"
    Add the tech ability energy leach to your ships.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    All overpowered Vespid....

    VESPID User

    Well how about:
    Mine defusing
    Cloak detecting
    Combat repair "Hp's"
    Combat repair "Shields"
    Shield penetration immunity
  10. armandark

    armandark User

    All I can say Vespid is that your asking for things which darkorbit won't even look at. I could say these perks instead:
    -For the first week 5% more ep.
    -Price of uri items reduced by 30% not 25%.
    -Lf4 chances in a booty is increased by 3%.
    - Special designs and ships cooldown reduced by 10%.
    - Price of all tech items production reduced by 5%.
    etc.... you need to make smaller values and effectively place them in certain zones. Asking for just random stuff like new lasers and everything else won't get you kudos. Start small guy's, then dream big.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Neither of you have very good suggestions for new premium benefits and premium doesn't even give 25% discount, that's rebate lol.
  12. Personally I think 12:1 pally exchange would be great for premium
    GreenandGrey likes this.
  13. He wasn't suggesting a sever merge, he clearly stated moving one ship from one server, to another - from time to time. And this offer would only be available to premium members, and i doubt that the majority of premium members own another account, on another server. Your comment is slightly irrelevant to the OP's thread. Take more care, when reading threads.

    Anyway, personally, i do think they're all good ideas, and would be great if B.P were to imply these.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    The 3rd post in this thread clearly says a server merge would be beneficial, take more care when reading threads and posts, I don't like half the idea's on this thread but then again I don't like many idea's lol, you doubt the majority of premium members have a second account, I think that's false, many premium members and non-premium members that could be future premium members have second accounts, whether they use them or there inactive but they're there.
  15. He doesn't mention nor hints at anything to do with a server merge...just moving an account from 1 server to another. This is not merging servers.
    Even so, they'd still be for moving their account from one server to another.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Read the actual third post in this thread or are you blind? I wouldn't be for moving accounts fro one server to another if I already had an account on the server I wanted to move my best account to, I'd be throwing hard work away.
  17. Oh I didn't see that - thought you were referring to his third idea, on his thread...anyway good on ya'.

    P.s just cause you wouldn't, doesn't mean others won't.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Well I suppose some might be desperate to get onto a new server lol.
    ŴДƦЯÏØЯ™_12$ likes this.
  19. Full_force

    Full_force User

    1: I don't see how it would help to queue the skylab since once level 20 is reached its done and can't go higher.
    Tech center yeah be nice but i can't even remember the last time i seen a tech center item being used.

    2: Be very nice.

    3: Heres the thing it won't happen. Once in past we have got a reply from support (old forums) on why this would not happen. I don't remember the exact reason. But it was something along the lines of it would be more work then the pay off. And there could be damage done to the servers and the accounts be it not all the equipment coming over, ammo etc.

    The way i understood it, it is harder then just saying hey i want to be on another server and then pushing a button.

    Only to same players not bigpoint. And since i see so many players whining about rank. What would happen to everyones rank points? Remember many people want that top rank idk why but they are zealot over it.

    You and armandar get your own threads and stop hijacking other peoples threads.
  20. They'd said That if they'd wanted to merge servers, accounts would have to be recreated I.E new UID, B.P giving the ship it's stats, ammo, equipment back etc...which would take a long time to do since it would all have to be done 'manually' (so they say)